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I left Kai in the room with the kids and rushed down the hallway to Noa and Jamal's room. If Kai was going to become ten times worse then I knew no one could handle her except for Jamal, Phoenix or maybe even Jett. They knew her long before I did and rather I liked it or not, Kai probably told them more stuff about herself than me.

After banging on the door urgently, it swung open and I saw something that I totally wasn't expecting. I nearly puked up the hotel breakfast that I had this morning. Jamal was standing there in nothing but tight ass boxer briefs. He gave me a joking smirk, "Want to join us?" I shivered and pushed past him and walked into him and Noa's room. My friend wasn't dressed, but she was covered by the bedsheets at least.

"Who has sex at 2 PM," I yelled as I flopped down on their bed, but then I quickly stood back up. The last thing I wanted to sit in was Jamal's semen or something else. Once again, a shiver ran down my spine. Jamal came walking into the room and leaned against the doorframe. "Put some pants on! I don't want to see your d-ck flopping all over the place!"

"People who have normal marriages have sex at 2 PM, but you and Kai wouldn't know anything about that," Noa told me sharply. She was obviously annoyed that I walked in on her and Jamal's rendezvous, but what I had to say was important. "Why'd you even come here, Athena? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but we were a bit busy, you know? Can it wait?"

"No, it can't! I need to talk to the both of you!" Jamal came back into my view, but this time he had on some pants. The couple looked at me expectantly, wondering what was so grand that I had to interrupt them f-cking. I took a deep breath before explaining everything to them. I told them how Sage managed to get Kai to come back, and about how she was acting different. As soon as I broke the news, Jamal's face fell and he let out a few curse words in frustration. "What?"

"This isn't good, Athena. When Kai gets like this, there's no telling what she'll do or what she'll say. You've seen Kai go through a depression that first time we went to Florida and her uncle brought up her childhood and sh-t, right?" I nodded my head, remembering that awful time. That whole time was hard on the both of us. I hated seeing her down day in and day out. "Well, you was never there after the whole Emily thing happened and you wasn't there after her grandmother died. You got a glimpse of her depression once her grandmother passed away, but she left to Chicago before you could really see her genuinely go through it."

"About four months ago, Kai originally left to get away from you. Not because she was upset with you, but because she could feel herself...kind of changing. When she gets into this certain depression she's in now, it's like she's a whole different person. She genuinely doesn't give a f-ck. It's the weirdest thing ever because she'll act like everything is okay when it's not and she knows it's not. I've seen her go through this two times. The first time after the whole Emily situation happened, she was like that for about two months. When her grandmother died, she was like that for about a month, but then she had to straighten up because we had business to do. A rival gang wanted to go to war and she took control. That's why she never really called or talked to you over those months. The first one, she wasn't even herself and the other two, well, she just had a lot on her mind about everyone's wellbeing. She didn't want you to get hurt, or her kids, or me, or anyone else. It may not make sense, Athena and I'm not asking you to forgive Kai for those three months, but I need you to understand something."

I swallowed hard as Jamal stared at me with nothing but seriousness in his eyes. Kai leaving because of a depression and not wanting to hurt me was a big surprise. The only reason she stayed for the remainder of the two months was because she had to or else there would be heavy consequences. She was in Chicago for my and the kid's safety. I had never realized that. "Right now, Kai is going to be aggressive. She's going to say things she doesn't mean. She's going to be moody, bipolar, batsh-t crazy and weird. She's going to smoke a lot, drink a lot and she may just go back to the drug game. You're the one that hurt her by kissing Tessa. The only way Kai is going to get out of this mope is at her own time although. You can't force her out. I've tried before and I made it worse. You have to choose, Athena. You either let Kai go her own way until she gets back to her normal self or you stay with her and help her through this. I won't lie to you, keeping her close is dangerous but it just may help her out and your relationship."

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