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I gathered up every single piece of paper and shoved it back into the folder. There were no words to describe how angry and upset I was at the moment. There were so many things that I wanted to break, but I also wanted to just sit down and drown in an ocean of my own tears, which was basically what I was doing. I couldn't bear the fact that two of the most important people in my life would do something to hurt me like this. It literally tore me apart.

Without a second thought, I picked up the folder and rushed out the front door. It was no surprise that Jason was out there standing with "Brayden", but they still had yet to notice me. The anger and hurt inside only grew as I looked at them, and I squeezed the folder tightly in my hand before putting it behind my back.

"I thought you left," I said as I walked up to the two creatures. There was no emotion in my voice at all, which I was rather thankful for.

The two of them turned their hands to look at me, their expressions switching to that of worry when they noticed the tears on my face. I had managed to stop crying for the most part, but the tears were still soaking my face.

"I was just talking to Jason. What's wrong?" Brayden asked me as he took a step closer. He held his hand out to me, but I took a step back.

"Don't touch me," I spoke, looking him directly in the eye.

He frowned, and this time it was Jason's turn to step forward.

"What's wrong, Rose? Why are you, or why were you crying?" he inquired.

I let out a dry laugh. "You really want to know why I'm upset? You want to know why I'm angry?"

Both he and Brayden seemed startled by the tone in my voice, but he nodded. All I did next was throw his stupid folder at him. He didn't have the time to react before his entire plan fell to the ground, and once he noticed what it was his eyes widened, and he looked back up at me with so much fear in his eyes.

"Rosalie," he said softly.

"Why would you? Why would either of you do this to me?" I growled, glancing between the two of them.

"Rosalie, please let us explain," Brayden said this time. It was only now that I could hear the similarity in his voice and Bumblebee's true voice. It only pissed me off further.

"No. I got all the explanation I needed from Jason's stupid little voice recorder," I told him before turning to Jason. "Oh, and by the way, I hope it wasn't expensive."

"What'd you do?"

I frowned. "Are you seriously more worried about a piece of technology than you are your little sister's feelings? Oh, wait. I don't need to ask a question that I already know the answer to," I spat.

"Rose, can you just let us speak?" Brayden exclaimed.

I looked at him. "You had an opportunity to speak a month ago, but you didn't! You just kept letting me fall in love with you. You're supposed to be my best friend, Bumblebee. You're the most important person in my life and you do this to me?"

The tears were now making their way down my face at a very fast pace. I doubted they would stop this time though. I could just feel my emotions growing as I stood here in front of them.

"And you're my older brother," I said, turning to Jason. "I know you like to play pranks on me, and I'm perfectly okay with that, but this isn't the kind of prank you play on someone you stupid fucker. Especially on a girl with feelings!"

"Rosalie, I'm so sorry," Brayden, or Bumblebee, whispered to me.

"No. No, you're not. I thought I meant more to you than that. I thought I meant more to both of you, but I guess not," I squeaked.

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