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Everyone in the house was rather rambunctious this morning, and I hadn't a clue why. If anyone should be cheerful this morning it should be me, but that was not the case here. I was the complete opposite, at least at the moment I was. All I was trying to do was get ready for the day, but I couldn't exactly do that with everyone pestering the hell out of me. What annoyed me worse was the fact that I was forced to use the bathroom on the first floor to shower instead of my own, roughly due to the fact that the pipe that ran to my room had burst, Lynleigh was using her shower, Gracie was using hers, and Lyza was using hers. It was very inconvenient, especially considering the fact that I left my clothes upstairs and was left to wonder my house in just a towel.

I clutched my towel tightly around my body and quickly exited the bathroom. Just as I got to the stairs I was stopped by a very familiar voice. I turned around to see Bumblebee's holoform standing there, looking at me with a brow raised.

"Any specific reason you're running around your house in only a towel?" he laughed.

"I forgot my clothes upstairs when I came down here to take a shower, and I'd very much appreciate if I could go and put them on. I may be in a towel, but I still feel very exposed right now, especially standing in front of you," I answered him.

He gave me a look. "You act as if I haven't seen you in your underwear before, Rose." He only laughed and walked away.

I ran up the stairs as quickly as I could, and ran into my bedroom where Avery was fast asleep on my bed. I simply disregarded her and grabbed my clothes. I changed into a pair of white jean shorts, a tight black tank top, and a hooded jean jacket. Once I put on my black combat boots, I was ready to go...well, half way ready to go. My hair was wet and annoying, so I decided just to brush it out and throw it up in a bun. I did not have the time to deal with it today.

"Rose, hurry up!" I heard Grace call from downstairs.

I just groaned in response and ran over to grab Avery. If she was two years old again, I would not mind it at all. It would make things much easier in regards to picking her up, especially when she was sound asleep. I would leave her here if I could, but Carly and Sam were out of town, so I had no one to watch her.

As best as I could with one hand, I pulled my bedroom door open and stepped out, only to almost run into Brooke. I thought that spending this week with her would be pure torture, but it definitely wasn't. She had changed a great deal over the past few years, and I only wished that I would have listened to her instead of being such a bitch to her. It would've made things a lot easier on me and her.

"Need help?" she asked, holding her arms out to Avery.

"Sure, thank you." I grunted and handed Avery over. Brooke smiled and took her. Not even then did the little devil wake up; all she did was whine and lay her head down on Brooke's shoulder. I swear that child could sleep through the apocalypse.

I practically ran down the stairs after that. No one except for Brooke, Avery, and I were in the house anymore, so I assumed them all to be outside in each of the Autobots.

I hurried over to Bumblebee and motioned Brooke to come over. She handed me Avery before running over to Drift, where I assumed Drew and Lyza were. Crosshairs had specifically requested Drew not ride inside his cabin anymore, due to the fact that he was very disrespectful to him during the race.

When I opened the passenger's side door to Bee's alternate mode, Gracie was sitting there, just as I expected her to be. Her seat moved forward, giving me room to climb in. Once I was situated in the backseat, Bee wasted no time in taking off towards KSI.

"May I ask why you're using Brayden right now?" I asked Bumblebee from my seat.

He shot me a look. "May I ask why you're impeccably stupid?"

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