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There was no way for me to comprehend exactly what was happening, and I didn't want to comprehend what was happening. That would just mean coming to terms with the fact that my father, my only parent, was no longer living, and I just couldn't do it; no matter how hard I tried to I just couldn't.

This wasn't supposed to happen to me again, at least not this soon! I went through so much emotional shit when I lost my mom all those years ago; so much heartbreak, so much hurt, so much anger, so much of everything. I didn't want to deal with that again. All I wanted to do was wake up from this nightmare that I called my life.

I just didn't know how I should feel anymore. Everything in my life has been completely shattered. Nothing ever went good for me at all, and I didn't know why. Why was I-and the rest of my family-a target for everything bad? I just didn't understand it; it wasn't fair at all.

For four days I had done absolutely nothing but lay in my bed. I haven't showered, nor have I eaten or drank anything except for water when it was necessary. After we returned home from the hospital my bedroom was the first place I came, and it was where I've been since.

I wasn't the only one though.

Lynleigh had barely come out of her bedroom at all unless it was to use the bathroom or eat. Jason was much stronger than the both of us were; he was only doing it because of his little sisters, and I admired that, but it changed nothing. Gracie was immensely upset, just as we all were, but she decided that it would be better to take care of all of us and I wasn't one to argue. Avery was upset as well, but she didn't understand exactly what was happening or what had happened to her poppal. All she knew was that he was gone and that he would be gone for a long, long time.

That little girl did make things better for me though; she's been with me since we returned home. She took her naps in here with me, and slept in here with me during the night. The only times she ever really left me was when she had to eat or when Carly came to pick her up for school. As a matter of fact, she was with me at the moment attempting to cheer me up.

"Ro, why won't you smile? I like it when you smile," the young girl told me.

I let out a sigh. "Because I miss poppal, Avery."

She placed her small hand on my cheek and looked me right in the eye. "But you'll see him again, Ro, I promise. He doesn't want you to be so sad. He wants you to smile, so smile," she chirped, throwing her little arms up in the air.

I just couldn't help but smile at her, or even her words. It was the first time I've smiled in four days, and honestly it felt so good.

"Yay! You're smiling! I knew you could do it, Ro," she exclaimed happily.

I didn't think it was possible, but my smile got even bigger. "Thank you for that, cutie."

"You're welcome, Ro."

"Avery," a new voice sounded. It was Brayden's voice, or I guess you could say Bumblebee's. I still wasn't exactly sure what I should call him.

Avery's eyes brightened at the sight of him, and she crawled over me to jump off the bed. I rolled over just in time to see her jump into his arms, something of which caused him to smile widely. Avery was very aware that Brayden was in fact "Baybay", and I had the feeling that she knew all along. Children-no matter how much it doesn't seem to be true-are more observant than most adults. It was particularly scary.

"Ro smiled today, Baybay," Avery told him. I just shook my head at her while Brayden looked over at me, a small smile now on his face.

"Listen, Avery. Go ahead and go downstairs. Gracie has your lunch ready," he told the toddler before putting her on the ground. She ran from the room without another word, and Brayden looked back at me.

"I wouldn't come too close. I probably smell," I told him as he walked over to me. It was true though; like I said, I haven't showered in four days.

"Do you really believe I care if you smell bad or not?" he retorted as he sat down on my bed.

I sighed and sat up. "I guess not."

"I've missed you, Rose," he told me, a sad look coming onto his face.

I ran a hand through my greasy hair before looking at him. "You've seen me every day. How can you miss me?"

He placed his hand on the side of my face, sending a wave of much needed comfort into my body. "No, I miss my Rose," he clarified.

I had to fight back the tears that were forming. My feelings for "Brayden" had yet to change, and I was honestly okay with that. It didn't bother me much that he was an alien robot in reality. I guess it was because he had been there for so long, I don't know, but I just didn't want to lose him; especially not now, anyway.

"I'm sorry," I squeaked, wiping away a few stray tears.

Without a word he pulled me to him, and I immediately gave into him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and just cried. It was really all that I could think to do.

"Thank you for being here, Bee," I said to him, finally calling him by his name. He seemed a bit surprised by that too, but shook it off.

"I'm always going to be here. No matter what, Rosalie."

I just sighed in relief and hugged him harder. Within seconds, a small blonde girl was standing at my bedroom door with a very large popsicle in her mouth. She wasn't supposed to have them at this time of day, or anything sweet for that matter. It was almost her nap time, and that was only going to make her hyper. Gracie knew better than that.

"Where did you get that?" I asked Avery. She remained in her spot by the door, her eyes locked on me. It was rather creepy.

"Gracie gave it to me for eating my vegetables," she cooed.

I groaned, and for the first time in four days I got out of bed. She seemed to know what I was going to do, so she took off down the hallway and I face palmed. This kid was just too much to handle sometimes. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it another twenty years with her.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of her. You should probably take a shower," Bee said as he came up behind me. I let out an exasperated sigh, and nodded while he took off down the hallway after her.

This probably had to be the weirdest day this whole week...

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