Returning Home

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

A great pain could be felt in my head and my throat burned with a great intensity. I already felt awful and I hadn't even fully awoken yet.

The warm air still circulated throughout the inside of Bee's cabin. I shifted a little in my sleep and noticed that I was now completely dry as well as the seat below me so that was something to be happy about.

Slowly, I opened up my eyes, the light from the dashboard nearly blinding me. It was still dark outside as I had expected it to be. I looked at the clock on the dashboard to see that it was only 12:17. We were nearly five hours away from Chicago. We had only been driving for about four hours and I was asleep for the majority of the journey.

I sat up, pieces of dried mud falling into my pants. My clothes and shoes were absolutely wrecked. My shirt was stained with the dark brown color from the mud and my pants had actually expanded so right now they were only slightly too big for me. My once white shoes were almost unrecognizable. They were tarnished with the dried mud and several pieces of green grass. I could also feel the dried mud cracking on my face, not to mention my hair was matted together with the dirt.

I only sighed. I'd take a shower when I returned home.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Bee greeted me.

I smiled.

"Hi," I tried to say but the only thing that came out was air.

I clutched my throat with the both of my hands, hoping it would somehow make the burning go away.

It had been years since I've had to deal with the pain of laryngitis. I was so relieved when it was over, secretly telling myself that I would never have to deal with it again; turns out I was wrong.

I whimpered ever so slightly.

"What's wrong, Rose?" Bee asked me.

I sighed, trying to think of a way that I could communicate with Bumblebee. You never really realized how much you needed something until it was rendered useless.

I placed my head on the back of the driver's seat and tapped it with my fingers. I had forgotten how much I hated being in this mute situation. Beneath me I felt the car slightly shudder, indicating to me that Bee was laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"Lose your voice?" he asked.

I nodded against the seat.

"Haven't you been warned about sleeping outside on the ground at night? I'm sure the same thing applies to rolling on the ground at night during a thunderstorm," Bumblebee teased.

I lightly punched the seat as if telling him to shut up. He only laughed again. my head was beginning to throb and I was in desperate need of something to drink.

"Water," I croaked out as best as I could, ignoring the burning pains in my throat.

The sound was almost inaudible. I was sure that a human wouldn't have been able to hear me but since Bumblebee was an advanced alien robot, I knew that he had heard me perfectly fine.

"Glove compartment," he answered me.

"Thank you," I croaked out again.

He whirred.

"Please don't talk. I don't want you to make it worse for yourself," he told me.

I sighed but did not respond. Doing the best I could do so not to worsen my headache, I climbed slowly to the front seat and opened up the glove compartment. Inside there were about seven bottles of water, something to which I scrunched my eyebrows at. Instead of further worrying about why Bumblebee was hoarding bottles of water, I grabbed one of the bottles and opened it up. I gulped the liquid down, my throat burning every time I swallowed. I finished the bottle in under thirty seconds and placed the cap back on the bottle before tossing it back into the glove compartment and shutting it.

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