Road Trip

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

It's been over a week since Brayden had been over to meet my very insane family and we were doing incredibly well. We had been out together every single night and I loved absolutely every minute of it. Brayden made me very happy. I had never in my twenty two years of life met a boy that was so benevolent, chivalrous, and faithful.

Throughout my entire high school career I only acquired two long-term boyfriends. I thought I had been happy with them, but compared to what I was feeling with Brayden, happiness didn't even amount to what I had with them. Brayden was far more special than the both of them put together and I couldn't have been more thankful that he walked into my life and I hoped more than anything that he stayed.

Aside from Brayden, I had an even bigger situation to deal with. For the moment, I was happy yet I was also becoming very stressed out. It had been almost three weeks since I had seen Bumblebee and I was not happy about that at all. Out of these few weeks, I had only seen him once and that was the day he took me to the store to get medicine for my headache. Though I knew he was most likely alive and well, the fact that he wasn't with me and the amount of time that he was spending away from me has made room for the empty space to return. Bumblebee was my best friend, my literal other half, yet he wasn't here to help keep me whole. I was growing more and more anxious each day and it only became worse as my late mother's birthday approached.

I was beginning to feel like Bumblebee had forgotten about me altogether. Being alone made it easy to convince myself of that and the aching pain I felt in my chest at night almost made it seem like it was reality. The pain I was feeling over his absence wasn't worse than it had been three years ago, but if it continued like this it most certainly would be. When he finally reunited with Sam, I knew that the two of them would definitely spend a choice amount of time together but I just didn't think it would be this much time.

Currently, I was sitting in my bed typing away on my computer. Looking for apartments was quite hard when I was so stressed out. All I needed was something to take my mind off of everything and with my mother's birthday being in two days, I knew exactly how to accomplish that.

I got on Facebook and searched through my friend's list until I finally found the person that I was searching for: my old high school friend Lyza Colt. After thinking for a few moments on what I should say to her, I finally typed my message:

This is last notice and I in no way mean to bother you, but I was just wondering if you had an extra room to spare? I was thinking about getting out of town for a few days and heading east and if it was alright with you I was hoping that maybe I could stay with you for a day or so. We could catch up, because Lord knows I have so much to tell you. Please get back to me when you can. I love and miss you very much.

It didn't take but three minutes for my computer to notify me that I had a new Facebook message. I clicked on the tab and opened up the message. It read:

Of course I have an extra room to spare for you. It's no bother at all, I assure you. I'd love to catch up. I have so much to tell you as well. Just let me know when you're coming and everything will be set up for you. I love and miss you too, Rosalie!

I smiled at the message, silently thanking God above that I still had such good friends back home. Quickly, I replied to her message.

Thank you so much! That means more to me than you'll ever know. I'll be leaving tonight at around six o'clock because it'll take me a good while to pack at least one outfit to wear. I do apologize that this is so last minute but I am beyond stressed out right now and in desperate need of a getaway. Just message me your address if it's changed and I'll be good to go. Thank you again!

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