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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

I absolutely despised being sick, especially for an entire week. It was very rare that I actually got sick-which made matters even worse than they should have been. The only reason I was tolerating it was because Brayden was here with me. Everyone else was gone-which was no surprise-but I didn't mind it much. I was able to spend time with my love, and although I still couldn't talk very well, I still enjoyed whatever time I got to spend with him.

One downside to this entire situation was that I was lied to again. Bumblebee has left for Sam yet again, leaving me pretty distressed and very angry. I'd say I was completely done with him at the moment. He was there for me in my darkest time only to leave me immediately after. It was pretty sleazy if you asked me.

I let out a sigh and sat up. For the past two hours Brayden and I have done absolutely nothing but lay around and watch TV-and eat of course. It's been a very unproductive day, but who cared.

"What's wrong?" Brayden asked me. I frowned and looked him, my only response being a simple shrug of my shoulders to which he rolled his eyes at. "You're a liar. Just tell me."

I groaned. I wanted to tell him about the Autobots, but I was sworn to secrecy by the government, and Crosshairs was very insistent about keeping the secret as well. I trusted Brayden more than I trusted anybody, but I still could not do it. The only reason I was even about to tell him what little bit I was was because if I didn't he would keep pestering me. He reminded me of Bumblebee in that department most definitely.

I grabbed the notepad and the marker off of the coffee and began writing.

My friend lied to me again. No worries, I wrote.

He gave me a look. "Which friend?"

The one Avery calls Baybay.

He blinked, and I was almost certain I could see the smallest frown playing at the corner of his lips, but the moment it came was also the moment it went away.

"What'd he do?" he asked cautiously.

I narrowed my eyes at him with faint suspicion before scribbling on the paper.

Picked me up from VA, promised he wouldn't leave me again and then went right back to his trash friend.

He scratched the back of his head, clearly not sure exactly what to say to me. I just sighed and began writing again.

Don't worry though. If he doesn't care then I don't. I'm done writhing in pain over his absence. Fuck a bitch.

I showed it to him and he nearly choked, but played it off as a cough. It was my turn this time to ask what was wrong.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Why don't you call him and try to work things out?" he inquired slowly, causing my suspicion to grow. Every damn time I mentioned Bumblebee-or Baybay in this situation-he would always act weird. I never payed much attention to it, but he was acting even weirder now than he normally did which was worrying me.

"Because there's no use. He probably wouldn't pick up anyway," I spoke this time, my voice still a little croaky.

"You never know."

"No, but what I do know is that I need to be done with him. He's done nothing but screw me over. I don't think I'll be able to take it for much longer," I grumbled.

"I'm sure he isn't meaning to hurt you," he said quietly.

I scoffed which came out sounding more like a wheeze than anything else. "He knows he is, but oh fucking well. I'm not about it anymore. I have way more important things to do in life than sit around and cry over something irrelevant. I have my family, and I have you. That's all that really matters to me."

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