It's A Date

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Picking out something to wear was absolutely awful. I never had much trouble with it until today. Clothes were sprawled out all over my bed and some were even in the floor and on the dresser. Looking over the pile of fabric one last time, I groaned and plopped down onto my couch. A knock on my bedroom door could be heard and I yelled for them to come in. Carly walked into my bedroom and stared at the mess in front of her.

"I got your message. What's wrong?" she asked as she carefully stepped over the pile in the floor.

I got up off of the couch and walked over to her.

"I'm in a predicament. I have an event tonight and I don't know what to wear. Help me," I told her.

"An event? What are you talking about?"

"A guy I met at the club the other night asked me out," I answered her.

She squealed and I covered my ears.

"Oh my gosh. A date?"

"I guess so."

"Do Lynleigh and Gracie know?" she asked me.

I rolled my eyes.

When I told them about tonight, they went crazy and headed off to the store to buy all kinds of make up and jewelry for me. It was very unecessary but they claimed that since I hadn't been on a proper date in seven years, major work needed to be done.

"Yes they do. They're in the bathroom setting up a grooming station as we speak."

"Oh my gosh. I'm so happy for you," she squealed.

Carly and I had only known each other for a matter of a week and she was already my best friend, aside from Gracie and Bumblebee of course. She was with me for four days while Bee and Sam were out doing whatever the hell they were doing. We had come to know a lot about each other in that short period of time.

I smiled at her.

"Thanks, lovely."

"What time do you need to be there?" she asked me.


She looked at the watch on her wrist and gasped.

"It's five thirty. You go get your make up ready and I'll pick out an outfit for you. Trust me. Go," she told me and pushed me towards the bathroom.

I laughed at her and walked in the bathroom where Lynleigh and Gracie were waiting for me. Lynleigh saw me and hopped up. She grabbed my hand and shoved me down onto the stool. They turned me around and looked at me.

"This should be fun," Gracie said as she picked up a tube of mascara.


Fifty four minutes later and I was ready to go. Gracie and Lynleigh had managed to do my make up perfectly. I barely even recognized myself when I looked in the mirror. Carly, being the excellent fashionista she is, managed to find me the perfect outfit to wear as well. It wasn't too dressy nor was it too casual.

I was wearing a tight white lace skirt along with a long sleeve black chiffon shirt with white printings on it. My shoes were simple black pumps and my long, dark hair fell in waves down my back. I grabbed my glasses and my clutch and headed downstairs.

The loud voice of my brother could be heard echoing throughout the house, and I simply rolled my eyes. I walked into the family room where Carly, Gracie, Lynleigh, Delaney and Avery were. Avery saw me and jumped off the couch. She ran over to me and I crouched down to give her small body a hug.

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