Old Friend

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Nine hours later I finally reached my destination. The ride here wasn't exciting at all. It was mostly spent sulking in silence and trying to avoid reckless drivers. I only had to stop for gas twice so that was a good feeling. I was more than thankful when I crossed the border into Virginia. I could feel a slight weight being lifted off of my chest. It wasn't until three hours later, at about three in the morning that I entered my small hometown.

It was the same as it had been the last time I saw it which was before I moved down to Texas. The only thing that had changed was the addition of more buildings and homes. The roads were empty and it wasn't surprising considering the time of night. Several tractor trailers and a few cars were seen driving through the city, but I paid no mind to them. They were most likely people heading to work.

I followed the directions that were on my phone and soon pulled in front of Lyza's house. She lived out in the forest and I didn't mind it at all. The forest comforted me.

From what I could see of her house in the early morning light, it was definitely a mountain house. It was very big but not bigger than my own. There were large windows all around the the two story house. A deck was present on the second floor, wrapping around the entirety of the structure. Four beams held the foundation of the house up and many enormous pine trees were scattered throughout her yard. This house was a lot different from her old house.

I grabbed my suitcase from the back seat before walking over to the double wooden doors and knocking. After a few moments I heard shuffling and then a click. The right door swung open to reveal a very tired Lyza. She perked up though when she saw me. I smiled at her. She motioned for me to come inside and I did.

Her was was beautiful inside; much more beautiful than I thought mine to be but that was only because I had always dreamed of having my own house in the mountains. My home back in Chicago was much to urban.

The living room was bigger than my own back home. The furniture was very elegant yet also had an outdoorsy element to it and the stone fireplace pulled the whole mountain theme together. The way she had the home decorated was very casual yet it still held a classy feeling to it. I was already in love with this house.

"You can set your things down beside the couch if you'd like," she told me, her southern accent strong.

I had been away from Virginia for far too long so I was beginning to lose the essence of my southern born accent. It saddened me but there was nothing I could do about it.

I did as she said though and sat my stuff down beside the couch before looking back at her.

"You have a beautiful home, Lyza. How did you manage to afford this?" I asked her.

She chuckled.

"I had a little help," she told me and sat down on the couch.

I sat down beside her but turned my head when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. My eyes widened as I laid eyes on a very tired, yet familiar young man.

"Lyza, it's almost four in the morning. Who's here?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

I looked at Lyza with a shocked expression and she laughed at me before motioning me to go and greet him. I hastily got up off of the couch and ran over to the boy, engulfing him in a hug as I did so. He was shocked at first but once he noticed who I was, he hugged me tightly. I released him and looked at him, a smile was now present on his face.

"Rosalie, it's been so many years. What are you doing here?" he asked me.

I smirked at the boy.

"What? Do you not want me here, Drew?" I teased.

Drew was my best guy friend throughout middle school and high school, that was until his little girlfriend Bethany decided she didn't want us to be friends anymore. That was a big mistake on her part though. Back in high school I didn't care if I got in trouble or not and I most definitely wasn't going to let some little girl take my best friend away from me so I took care of the issue myself and she was out of school for quite a few days to say the least.

Eventually he broke up with her and him and Lyza began going out. I had moved out of the state before that though so I most definitely wasn't expecting him to be here.

He laughed before hugging me tightly again.

"No. Of course I want you here. I'm just so shocked that you are. I haven't seen you since you moved back in 2016," he told me and released me.

He walked me over to the couch and I sat back down beside Lyza while Drew sat down beside me.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that. I haven't really seen anyone from here since then besides Gracie. The only way I keep up with all of your lives is by Twitter or Facebook and I rarely ever get on those," I told him.

"Well, how's life been treating you?" he asked me.

I was beginning to get tired. The nine hour drive had done a number on me and plus my stress was still eating away at my insides.

"I think I'll answer all of your questions when I wake up tomorrow. That nine hour drive nearly killed me," I informed him.

The both of them laughed.

"That's fine. Just be ready," he teased.

"I've already got plans for us tomorrow, but Drew you're welcome to come with us," Lyza told him.

He grimaced.

"Don't worry. It's nothing like you're thinking," she assured him.

He sighed in relief.

"Okay good. I'll see you when you wake up and I'll see you in a few minutes," he said.

He winked at Lyza before patting me on the head and heading upstairs. I turned to Lyza and shook my head.

"He's still the same dork he was junior year," I told her.

She chuckled and nodded.

"If you want, I can show you to your room?"

I nodded and she got up off of the couch and headed up the stairs. After grabbing my things, I followed after her.

The second floor of her house was just as beautiful as the first floor. Pictures of her family and friends hung on the walls. I even noticed a picture of the two of us from sophomore year hanging in between a picture of her brother and then a picture of her and Gracie. I smiled at it and followed her into a bedroom.

It wasn't incredibly large but it was a decent size. There was a queen sized bed against the wall and a fireplace was in front of that with a large flat screen TV hanging above it. Across the room sat a small couch and a closet was beside it. The room had a very homey feeling to it and I absolutely loved it.

I placed my things beside the bed before turning to Lyza. I smiled at her and engulfed her into a hug. She laughed but hugged me back before I released her.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay," I told her.

She smiled.

"Don't worry about it. I know you'd do the same for me."

"I'll see you in the morning," I told her.

"Night night, Rosie," she parted, using her old nickname for me.

I just chuckled and she walked out of the room. I got into my suitcase and grabbed the Transformers pajamas that I had made a while back. After changing into them, I turned the light off and got into bed with a small smile on my face. It felt so good to finally be home.

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