KSI Visit

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Walking through the hallways at KSI was almost like walking through a massive maze that had no exit. Workers shuffled through the building, trying to reach their destination, sending me up against the wall. This was one of the reasons I rarely ever came here. There were way too many people bustling around. My only reasoning for even coming here today had to do with two certain people I had met the previous day, better known as Sam and Carly Witwicky.

At the moment, I was working my way up to my dad's office to get clearance from him. I wasn't supposed to bring anyone to see the Autobots without either my dad's or Uncle Josh's permission even though everyone already knew about them. The funny thing was, Sam and Carly had no clue why we were even here in the first place.

Last night when Sam and Carly had found me talking to the four Autobots in my front yard, everything just sort of spilled out. We all just had one huge talk about the last few years of our life. Gracie had explained to them how we had gotten involved with the Autobots and Sam told us about how he got involved with them and he also told us everything that had happened after the Battle of Chicago.

After asking about the rest of the Autobots, we were all silent. We didn't know what to say to him because technically we weren't supposed to tell anyone about our family's involvement with them in the first place, even though they already knew about the four who were living with us. It didn't make sense to us, but there was nothing we could do. The Autobots didn't even say anything to him, which lead Sam and Carly to believe that the worst had happened.

Being the very thoughtful friend that I am, I thought that maybe I should surprise the couple with the magnificent news that the remainder of their Autobot friends were alive and well. They were more than confused when Bee and I showed up at their house this morning just demanding them to get in the car. After bombarding me with questions that I didn't bother to answer, they finally cooperated and Bee then brought us here.

After turning the final corner, I finally approached my father's office door. I knocked on the door and after hearing a faint come in, I pushed the door open and pulled Carly and Sam inside with me. My dad looked up from the paperwork on his desk and met my eyes. I smiled at him.

"What are you doing here, Rosalie?" he asked me.

"You remember Sam and Carly, right?"

He nodded and the couple awkwardly waved at him.

"Yes. That still doesn't explain why you're in my office right now," he countered.

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he was far too sassy for my liking.

"Look, dad. I need clearance to bring them into Hangar C."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Why?" he asked me.

"Personal reasons. I'm trying to be a good friend," I answered.

He sighed.

"You're an idiot."

"Thanks. So, that's a yes?" I asked.

"I don't have a problem with it. Only them two though," he stated.

"Of course. I'll see you when you get home. I love you."

"Love you, Rose."

I smiled and skipped out of his office, Sam and Carly following closely behind me.

"Would you care to tell us where we are going?" Carly asked.

I smirked.

"Just be patient. You're going to love it," I assured her.

Sam groaned.

"I hate surprises," he said.

"Well, you're going to love this one. Now hush. We're almost there."

The two were silent the rest of the way. The only sounds that could be heard were Carly's heels clanking on the tiled floor and the soft sound of my boots on the tile along with hushed chatter in the distance.

As I turned the final corner, the large, metal door came into view. I stopped and turned to face Carly and Sam who looked absolutely bored with their lives.

"Okay. We're here, but I have to tell you this. You can not speak of this to anyone. Got it?"

"Yes, Rose. Hurry up already," Carly whined.

I smiled and proceeded on to the doors. After twisting the handle, Hangar C was revealed. I lead Carly and Sam further inside the massive room. The chatter that was previously heard out in the hallway, had stopped immediately as we came into view. I smirked and turned back around to the couple who were staring past me in disbelief.

"Ta da!" I exclaimed as I gestured to the cluster of Autobots in the room.

"Oh my gosh," Sam whispered.

I turned back around and walked over to the bots.

"Good afternoon." I greeted them.

"Hello, young Rose. I see you've brought some friends along," Optimus replied.

You could hear the disbelief in his tone.

"Yes I did. And I believe you may very well know them. I don't understand how you guys actually thought they were dead," I chuckled. "I mean have you not seen the news?"

Carly and Sam gaped at me.

"Obviously not," Carly answered.

I snickered.

"Anyways, this is why I brought you here. Love me now, love me later. .I don't care. Just as long as you love me."

Sam laughed.

"Thank you, Rosalie."

"Anytime, Sammy," I responded.

Sam walked over to start a conversation with the Autobots while Carly stayed to talk to me.

"Thank you for this. At one time the Autobots meant everything to Sam, especially Bumblebee. I know that this means a lot to him. Thank you, Rose," she told me.

I smiled.

"It's no problem at all."

She smiled at me and walked over to where Sam was. I went and sat down on the couch in the opposite side of the room.

After playing on my phone for about five minutes, the hangar door swung opened and a loud voice sounded in my ears. Startled, I jumped and actually ended up dropping my phone. Quickly, I picked it up and shoved it into my back pocket before looking towards the door where Will and Epps were standing. I got up and walked over to them.

"Is yelling really necessary?" I asked them.

"Yes. We've got two Autobots we need to talk to," Epps told me.

I sighed.

"Let me guess. Mudflap and Skids?"

"Precisely," Epps answered.

Will gave me a questioning look.

"Wait. Why are you even here? You never come here," he exclaimed.

"See those two people over there?"

I pointed to Carly and Sam who were staring over at us in shock.

"I'll be damned. Sam and Carly?" Epps exclaimed.

He walked passed me and over to the couple. I looked at Will.

"Today has been full of surprises," he said.

I laughed.

"Tell me about it."

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