87: 10 things i want to do before i die

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Number one is to live in a world
where everyone laughs,
respect stays where it is deserved
and the shy ones get up and dance.

Number two is to be stress-free,
watch my problems sail today
into the salty air and the deep sea,
washing my worries away.

Number three is to have money,
not a million dollars,
but enough so that I don't have to worry
or concern in paying a doctor.

Number four is to have a spouse,
someone to trust with my problems
in a nice, big house,
wondering how to solve them.

Number five is to have stability:
the job of my dreams
where happiness is my form of currency
enjoying the process by all means.

Number six is for mental healing,
for all the hurt and the pain
from the wounded and the troubling
for one day to turn the 'p' into gain.

Number seven is to help the needy:
to cure hunger or give food,
to love one another, it is that easy,
being a person, ever so good.

Number eight is to have a purpose.
Why are we in this world?
What requires my service
and how can my story be told?

Number nine is live truthfully,
with trasparency, wits
and with all my honesty
however the truth hits.

Number ten is to be happy,
accept my flaws,
become content with my energy,
for a good cause.

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