14: Virus

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All alone in the confines of a bubble,
alone from the world we once knew.
A passing breath, the early signs of trouble
as tragedy waits patiently to ensue.

Cities that never sleep end in slumber
the streets barren and the wind howls,
nature reclaims, in a shrieking wonder
what once stolen by unscathered crowds.

The yearn for physical touch increases,
a curiousity for what is beyond the border,
past the protocols to the known quarantine,
as the world will soon become another.

Surgical masks, the fear of a virus so unknown.
For our safety and our loved ones
we stay six feet apart, alone,
all alone to protect the young ones.

Death creeps as the political rage ensues,
to the credability of the threat
to those who believe in the fake news.
All alone, as the polarization is making everyone forget.

Everything is virtual with what is owned.
But replace a hug and a kiss, never will it do.
As the threat lingers, we become alone,
all alone, in our bubble, as the virus will one day be due.

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