134: the time i had to learn to let you go.

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When the mind is young the cloud caves in, the fog blurs the line between what is holy and what is sin. Even in the deep corners of the mind can have its flaws, like what is genuine and what is flawed.

Young minds think alike, or so was the everlasting lie. Everlasting moment in time hard to think one day it would all subside into a slow suicide.

You deal with the good and the worst, the ones you have called friends without an inch of remorse. They will always be there for when you feel like a ghost, but there will be a time when they won't be there when you need them the most.

Self-defense in the name of self-respect, self-centered can only get you so far deep into regret. But you are only a young mind at best, standing up for yourself against this unfairly test.

Blind eye, watch the blond guy turn his side-eye to the last guy with the hopes high. But that blonde guy has his hair dyed cause in hindsight he wanted his friends to at least try.

As the blonde guy grows his natural hair back, he realizes now what he lacks. What he once had now has gone into the sack, deep in the ditch where the memories fade into black.

But with time he will get back on track, get back on his feet and show them what he never lacked.

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