129: Honest

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First things first I am not your enemy.
I am also not your buddy. You don't have to like me
and I don't have to agree with everybody.

Next detail is you decide how to handle me.
I cannot handle liars and dishonesty for the sake of me.
Truth comes first no room for liabilities.

Cutting corners down to earth,
talk to me raw with no stone left unturned,
straight to the point is how I have learned.

I don't have the time for fake niceness,
save your alligator tears and your pitiness,
you are not more, you are not less. In my eyes we are all an equal mess.

But everyday is a blessing, that is a fact.
Don't be confused by my bluntness, I still know how to act.
If there is a finishing act, is that all what goes around comes right back.

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