135: reading a book on the weekend.

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Sunday morning comes around flawlessly,
casting light on my skin and the 300 pages.
With anticipation as I come here early,
wondering what is next within these stages.

Dive deep into an adventure
and the scent of 1,000 autumn leaves.
Deep focused into this lecture,
as the morning goes by solemnly.

Pleasant evening comes by,
catching me by surprise ever so colloquially.
As the day has begun to fly,
this story is a one of a kind tale no one often sees.

Awfully dreading for reality to come by,
no way this story has an end.
Quietly tuned into this time,
here this moment is a godsend.

Quietly everywhere, spiritually here,
admiring this space, so easily.
Falling deep it is easy to adhere,
in this place I fall so peacefully.

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