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Klaus starts to slowly starts to believe the being known as nobody, however still remains sceptical about him.
As nobody explained the process to Klaus, he mentions he want to discuss something.
"There is something else that I wanted to discuss, its about Hayley Marshal." Said nobody.

"What about her?" Asked Klaus defensively.

"I wanted to make sure you realise how you truly feel about her."

Klaus was confused at the comment. Hayley Marshall, Queen of the Crescents, Mother of his child, his little wolf. He respected her a lot for always standing her ground against him and other than Camille, she was the only other person who understood him and didn't judge him for his actions in a way that was rare in his 1000 years. "What do you mean by that?" Asked the original hybrid.

"Let me answer your question with another question. In the early days of Hayley's pregnancy you were always glaring at the sight of Elijah and her being together, why was that?"

"Because I was afraid that my child would end up calling my brother father!" Replied Klaus angrily.

"Yes that is true but why else? Do you not remember what Rebekah had said when you were stuck in the chambre de chasse with Elijah, Kol, her and yourself."

Why do you think you never tore Hayley and Elijah apart? You knew Hayley would stay close because of Hope and as long as Elijah was in love with Hayley he wouldn't leave you either.

Those words echoed in Klaus's mind and he started to think of every time he pushed Hayley towards Elijah. As he recalled all this, something in his heart ached as the scene where Hayley died replayed in his head. He looked back up at the creature before him.

Nobody continued "You pushed Hayley towards Elijah to make sure he was around but it wasn't just that. You were afraid that you would never be good for her that you would screw things up with both her and your brother if you got involved."

"That's not true! I am Klaus Mikaelson and I am afraid of nothing!" Shouted back Klaus.

The being stayed silent and then began again "You might believe that Klaus but everyone is afraid, even the strongest of us. I am also afraid at times."

At this revelation Klaus was shocked. a being such as this is also afraid thought the hybrid. "What are you afraid of?" Asked Klaus.

"Time, I am afraid of not making most of my time. I am a being that doesn't know how it came to exist so I am afraid that one day I will cease to exist just like the way I have been created without leaving any mark" Explained the creature while looking down, Klaus couldn't see it's face but could tell he was sad.

Nobody then looked straight back up at Klaus and shouted "But your fear is to be abandoned, yet at any point in time someone stays beside you you end up testing them! Like you have some sort of coping mechanism to see if people would still be around you at your worse!"

Klaus's eyes widened after what was said before him. He always knew about his abandonment issue which of course was due to his parents but he never realised how obvious his fear looked to people.

Then as Klaus was thinking this his mind wandered back to the question that was always on his mind. "Why Hayley?"

"In your entire lifetime you had 3 people that you were able to love. Aurora, who cherished the boy inside you but was afraid of the monster. Caroline, who challenged you and made you see there is more than just your way. Camille, who completely understood you and made you realise that you can be a better person." Said the being. "What you failed to realise was that Hayley could have been all three of them for you, she saw the kind boy who saved his siblings, she challenged you like no one ever could and she taught you to be kind."

Being kind doesn't make you weak Klaus.

Those words were engraved in Klaus's mind and he started to realise that throughout it all if he had truly trusted Hayley and believed in her as well as he did himself he would not be where he is today.

He could almost imagine himself with Hayley and the way they looked at each other. He knew deep down that the one for him was always the mother of his child, his little wolf. But then a sudden realisation dawned on him.

"But.... What about my brother? What about his happiness?" Asked Klaus.

"Look Klaus, Elijah and Hayley were never truly a good fit. Elijah needed someone who understood him and could accept his dark as well as his light side. And Hayley needed someone who challenged her so that she can live up to her best self and not someone who put her on a pedestal."

As soon as nobody said that Klaus let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. He finally realised that it wasn't just he who needed her but also she needed him. He finally understood this connection he always had with Hayley it just wasn't a connection made between two people who have a kid together. It was something a lot stronger than that.

"Do you finally realise? She wasn't just Hope's mother, wasn't just your little wolf, she is your soul mate."

Klaus's heart was beating like it did all those years ago back when he was innocent. He knew now what he had to do when he went back. The creature before him gave off an energy that could only be considered happy.

"So now that all that is out of the way, are you going to choose to go back to limbo or are you going to take my offer at a second chance?"

Klaus thought of it for a little bit. This would be the chance to right his wrongs. "I will take you up on the offer"


"How far back am I going?" Asked Klaus.

"The time when you first arrived in New Orleans right before Elijah had found you on the rooftop."

"Okay." Replied Klaus. "Am I allowed to free to do whatever I please or are there strings attached?"

"No strings do whatever you want and perhaps you might be able to change the future of more than just Elijah, Hayley and yourself." Hinted the being. Klaus squinted for a second to decipher what he meant.

Nobody got closer to Klaus which brought him out of his thought. "Now when you go back try not to be all Klaus like and screw things up. Always remember what Stefan had told you."

Take your own advice, do right by her.

As Klaus remembered the words of his old friend, he started to think of all the ways he will fix the future and also everyone that he should save along the way.

Nobody touched Klaus on the forehead with two of his fingers. "Good luck." Said Nobody and then everything around Klaus went dark again.

I honestly was unsure of the dialogue between nobody and klaus because I didn't want klaus to become less klaus.
Hope you guys enjoyed this. 😊

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