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Cami and Hayley gets kidnapped by the resurrected witches.
Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus head to rescue the women.
Kol finds what the witches are trying to do and he and Marcel rush to go help the others.
Camille is revealed of what Elijah truly is.

(Other Side)

Hayley woke up back at the compound but something just didn't feel right. she got up but to her shock she saw Mikael before her. She starts backing away from him, she had known about the destroyer from Klaus and was shown how he looked like by Elijah when she first met the 2 brothers.

"I assume my reputation precedes me." spoke Mikael as he walked towards Hayley.

"This is a nightmare. I'm dreaming." spoke Hayley still afraid.

"On the contrary, my darling. This is very real." said Mikael as he approached her and got her in a headlock. "Welcome to my hell. Stuck in this place for all of eternity as I watch over that hideous creature my children call brother!"

Hayley was still terrified and trying to make sense of things as she tried to get out of his hold. "You're dead! How can I be here?" she gasped upon the realisation. "No! Noo! The baby!"

"The baby?" spoke Mikael as Hayley continued to scream. "That kid never had a chance! And as if your bloodline isn't dirty enough as it is, and you poison it by merging with Klaus's blood?"

Mikael let out a laugh but before he could say anything else Hayley's eyes started to glow gold as she broke from Mikael's hold and then proceeded to break his arm while getting away from him.

At this point Hayley had realised something. "She's not dead! I'm not dead! If I was actually dead, you wouldn't be trying to kill me!" screamed the she wolf.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

Klaus and Rebekah were going through different tombs and had finally found Hayley however she was not waking up no matter how much they tried.

Then they heard footsteps behind them and they turned getting ready for another fight. To their surprise it was Kol.

"Whoa, calm down. It's just me I am here to help." spoke Kol as he made his was to Hayley. "I will have to firstly get to know the exact spell used."

"And how the bloody hell will you do that?" spoke the blonde vampire.

"I have a spell that can get me visions of the spell casted, I just need to see it and reverse it."

"Well get on with already!" screamed Klaus.

(Other Side)

Hayley and Mikael were fighting it off and Hayley was surprisingly able to stand her ground. "You're dead Mikael. Your son already beat you." said the she wolf.

"He is not my son! He's a scourge, a walking symbol of weakness!" said Mikael as he scoffed at the thought of Klaus, the bastard son.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

"Okay I have the spell." spoke Kol. He looked around and found the herbs nearby. "Bex I need you to get these herbs, they should be around this cemetery considering all the witches gather here."

Kol started his incantation as Klaus still looked in horror. He knew she was facing off against Mikael and he knew she was strong but that didn't stop him from being worried.

(Other Side)

Hayley was walking up the stairs and breaks the banister to get a piece of wood to use as a weapon. Mikael had slowed his steps as he made his way towards the pregnant wolf.

"There is no saving that atrocity festering in your womb. Klaus will destroy it, one way or another. Better it dies here right now, and you along with it!" stated Mikael as he jumps to the second floor startling Hayley who had reached the top of the staircase.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

Rebekah came back with the herbs and handed them to Kol as he crushed them and applied some onto Hayley's forehead.

(Other Side)

Hayley jumps down and seeing this so does Mikael. Hayley then zooms behind him as she stabs him the heart from behind. Mikael was screaming in pain.

"My daughter has an advantage Klaus didn't have. She will never have to know about you." spoke Hayley as she was pulled away.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

Hayley gasped as she woke up. Klaus held onto her arm tightly as she leaned against him. "I've got you love. I've got you." spoke the hybrid.

"I saw him, he tried to kill me. I saw Mikael." spoke Hayley who was very drained. This information shocked everyone there.

(Fleur-de-Lis Sanatorium)

Elijah could hear Camille's screams as he made his way through the hospital but then the screams stopped and that made Elijah even more frustrated.

He tried listening to every little detail and then he heard it, the sound of a heart coming from a few floors above. He was making his way there when he was pushed by Celeste in the body of Sabine.

"Well, you did arrive alone as I had asked too bad you are already too late. She already knows about you, I told her." spoke the witch.

This made Elijah furious as his eyes started to turn. "And here I thought I would have to unlock that side of you, but it looks like it has already started to seep it's way out."

Elijah was confused as Celeste started to carve something on his hand with Papa Tunde's blade but before she could complete it her neck was snapped by Marcel.

Elijah finally broke out of it as Marcel caught him. "Marcellus? What are you?"

"Klaus had told me the location and Kol said that you might need back up." He then inspected the marking on Elijah which had started to heal. "Thank god she didn't get to complete it."

"What do you mean?" asked Elijah.

"I'll explain later, first we should find your friend and get out." stated Marcel to which Elijah nodded and rushed upstairs.

They found Cami bound to a chair and it broke Elijah's heart to see the woman he had started to care for so much be in this state.

He picked her up as he and Marcellus now with the Tunde's blade made their was out. As they were walking out Elijah stopped to look at Marcellus. "What of Celeste?"

"Kol said he has a plan for that which should have worked by now." said Marcel as they started to walk out.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

Celeste woke up in her original body and was confused since it shouldn't have been possible. As she looked around in confusion she saw a unfamiliar boy and Rebekah Mikaelson. Celeste's eyes widened at this sight.

"How is this possible?" spoke the french woman.

"Oh you mean getting your body back wasn't difficult, I just channelled a few of my prized dark objects and it wasn't difficult to get your bones. I had my brother tell me to get them the minute your existence came to be known." spoke Kol who was enjoying the fear in Celeste's eyes.

Rebekah started to make her was towards Celeste. "Non. S'il te plaît." spoke Celeste as the situation was finally starting to sink in. She lost.

"That might have worked with my lovely brother back in the day but not me." said Rebekah as she went ahead and killed the witch before her.

"Let's go brother." spoke Rebekah as they left the cemetery leaving the body of Celeste Dubois behind.

This was a easy chapter for me, perhaps because most of the dialogues had actually happened in the show.

It's not that I couldn't have come up with my own but they were just too good to be rewritten.

I also realised that for now Kol will be the fixer of the group like Freya was from season 3.

What do you think will happen next?

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