All Out War - Part 1

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Davina returns to the compound and tells about her experience in the ancestral realm and the plans of the witches.
Father Kieran gets hexed by a witch.
Bastianna, Genevieve and Monique get their plan in action.

(St. Ann's Church)

Kieran was reaching the last stages of his hex which was causing Camille pain as she witnessed it. She walks out of the room with Elijah following her.

Camille stands crying in one of the corners as Elijah comes to console her. She then stops crying and whispers, "Turn him."

Elijah looked at Camille in confusion thinking he heard it wrong. Camille turns around. "Turn him, then the hex should go away."

"Camille..." spoke Elijah sympathetically.

"Please, he is the only family I have left." said the blonde.

Elijah gave it a thought. "Fine, but once he awakes you have to give him the right to choose."

Camille was conflicted and wanted to say something against it but she knew she should give her uncle that choice. "Fine, just do it."


Klaus and Hayley visited the bayou as they usually do to check up on the werewolves. They were on their way when they saw someone walking towards them.

It was a wolf covered with blood. "Please.... save.... us..." spoke the man as he fell to the ground. Klaus went to check up on him.

"Is he?" asked Hayley to which Klaus nodded. Hayley was horrified upon the confirmation.

The two made their way closer to the cabin near the lake. They kept seeing dead wolves on their way and then as they finally made it to the cabin they saw it.

Chaos, as all the wolves were either carrying the dead or injured. The two made their way towards Jackson who was helping an injured werewolf.

"What happened?" asked Hayley.

"We don't know, one minute we were all just enjoying our day and the next we get jumped by vampires who started killing us." spoke the alpha.

"But then how are some of you still alive?" asked Klaus.

"Hell if I know. All I know is that they stopped attacking just like started."

"We will help." suggested Hayley holding Klaus's hand. Though he was reluctant he went along with what Hayley had to say.


Davina was in the kitchen eating lunch when Kol walked in. He went and made himself a cup of coffee and sat down beside Davina giving her a smile which she reciprocated.

Davina didn't know what it was the man beside her but she felt this connection with him, something she never felt not even with the boy who played the violin.

Her thought was interrupted as she heard a crashing coming from outside. The two people in the kitchen made their way outside to be confronted by a few vampires.

"Well, I will presume you both are the witches who work for the Mikaelsons." said one of the witches.

"Correction we don't work for them, we work with them." spoke Kol trying not to reveal his identity. "So what brings a bunch of witches to the compound?"

"We are here to punish you for going against the ancestors." spoke another witch.

"And how exactly will you do that?" asked Davina.

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