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Marcel, Klaus, Davina and Hayley agree upon acting like they aren't allied until they find the knot.
Rebekah returns because Elijah ignored her calls. Klaus and Rebekah go out to look for Elijah.
Klaus finds his brother at a bar and asks him to come back since he needs his family. Elijah is touched by this sentiment and hugs Klaus.

Both brothers come back to the Plantation with their sister tapping her shoes as she looked worried. "Where have you both been?"

"Why? What's the matter?" asked Elijah.

Looking at Rebekah, Klaus knew something was up and with him not being able to hear Hayley inside the house he got even more worried.

"Where's Hayley?" asked Klaus.

"She wasn't here when I got back. I thought she fled but all her stuff is here and no car was taken."

Klaus looked around and saw another set of tire tracks. "Is that one of ours?" asked Klaus pointing at the tracks.

"No, those look fresh." replied Elijah.

"What if it's Marcel?" stated Rebekah.

"No it's not him, he and I have an arrangement and he knows better than to just break it by kidnapping Hayley and my child." spoke Klaus. He knew who had done this, as he recalled the events of the original timeline. It has to be the witches!

"We should search the woods!" Klaus stated. "Rebekah you check the woods and Elijah you check around the city and I will go to the bayou!" suggested Klaus.

"Okay." "Understood." Replied his siblings.

"Take my car." stated Klaus as he passed his keys to his older brother. "Try not to end up at a bar this time." said Klaus with a smirk as he went his way on foot.

Klaus felt bad for not telling his siblings that he knew where Hayley was but he also knew that it was better to not inform them or else they would get suspicious of him. So he headed towards the clinic in the bayou that he was familiar with.

(At the Bayou Clinic)

Hayley was running out of the clinic after falling for the trap laid down by Agnes. As she ran she heard vampires chasing after her.

Then as she ran deeper into the forest she stopped hearing the vampires and turned around to look and saw the eyes of werewolf and not just one but many.

Then she heard more rustling and saw as a vampire stood in front of her. "You shouldn't have come here wolf." said the vampire as he had his hands towards her.

Hayley had closed her eyes but when nothing happened she opened them. Only to see that the vampire was no longer in front of her but instead it was the original hybrid, the father of her child, Klaus Mikaelson before her.

She ran towards him and hugged him not noticing not caring about the dead vampire beside him.

"I've got you, love." said Klaus trying to console her while taking in her scent. Hayley felt at home being with Klaus something she always wanted to feel. Klaus wanted to stay like this longer but knew the danger they were in so he pulled out of it and started to see if his queen was injured anywhere.

"I'm fine Klaus, really. I think the wolves saved me." she said pointing towards the eyes.

The wolves, thought Klaus. Though Klaus knew they were very helpful at the start and a few of them such as Aiden and his biological father, Ansel were on his list of people to save he didn't want the crescents too close to his family especially Jackson Keener.

Though Jackson wasn't a bad guy he did stand in his way to get affection from Hayley. He was also the reason Hayley and his family were divided for a while.

He turned back towards Hayley. "The witches were supposed to protect you." As he said this Hayley kept her hand on his cheek.

"It wasn't them, at least not all of them. It was a witch named Agnes." explained Hayley softly to calm him down.

"I understand, little wolf." He then proceeded to make a phone call to his siblings informing them of the current development as he and Hayley made their way out of the forest.

They sat down at the entrance of the clinic as they waited for Elijah and Rebekah to arrive here.

"By the way how is Elijah? Why was he gone all morning?" asked Hayley. Previously Klaus used to get annoyed whenever Hayley showed any affection towards his brother but this time he could tell she was only asking out of concern.

"Yes he is fine. He was just unsure what his role around here would be. I had to talk him out of not leaving."

Hayley could see the genuine concern in Klaus's eyes for his brother. She took his hand and held it reassuringly. "Don't worry, I can tell with the way you both are no matter what he will be there for you."

This made Klaus smile and he looked back at his ever optimistic little wolf. She looked right back at him as she admired his blue eyes. As everything around them was a lot less chaotic they started to move closer.

Their lips were just a few centimetres apart when they were hit by the light coming from the car that was heading towards them. This broke them out of their moment and they just looked at each other awkwardly.

"We.... we should get going." stated Klaus as he cleared his throat.

"Yeah." replied Hayley as both headed towards the car.

(At the Plantation)

All four of them arrived at the mansion and Hayley immediately went upstairs to change. The 3 siblings went into the study.

"So this witch named Agnes stated your child would end all witch kind?" started Rebekah.

"I grow fonder of this child by the second." joked Klaus. "But leaving the jokes aside we need to do something about her. She got very close to harming Hayley and our child."

"Yes that is quite concerning." stated Elijah. "Niklaus, you should probably talk to Marcellus about the vampires that were killed."

"That can wait till tomorrow."

"Very well, then I shall at least go do what I have in mind." claimed Elijah.

"Where are you going?"

"To hunt a witch of course." stated Elijah with a new look his eyes. The look Klaus was familiar with, it was the red door.

Klaus was worried that his interference might have caused Elijah to open the red door sooner than he should have. "Rebekah, go with our brother. I will look after Hayley."

Rebekah nodded at the sight of change in the roles of her brothers and headed out with Elijah.

Klaus was left at the mansion with Hayley still upstairs. He could hear the noise of the shower hitting her body and the memory of them almost kissing played in his head but he came back to reality since protecting his family was his top priority.

He was thinking of a way to avoid future witch issues and he knew he needed to bring Davina on his side but at the moment she was a blunt sword at best, he needed someone already trained in magic. Then it occurred to him the solution to his problem.

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Also as promised more Klayley scenes.

What do you think is the solution to Klaus's problem?

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