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Klaus figures out Dahlia being the person behind the recent attacks on the factions.
The family gathers to come up with a plan to deal with Dahlia.
Klaus apologises to his siblings for killing Mikael which increases the trust amongst the siblings.


Elijah and Kol instruct the servants around to prepare for the faction meeting. The meeting today was very important and the two siblings knew it.

Elijah was particularly nervous since he was to represent the Mikaelsons and so he had to host the meeting and make sure everything occurs smoothly.

"Don't worry, brother." stated Kol noticing the tension in Elijah's face. "You know Nik wouldn't have given you the responsibility if you couldn't handle it."

Elijah looked at his brother and smiled. "Thanks. It's just there is a lot on the line."

"I know." spoke Kol. Everyone in the family knew after recent events that Dahlia wasn't going to be an easy opponent to deal with and so they needed to make sure that everything would go as planned.


Rebekah sat outside the bar as she saw Hayley approach with Hope in her hands.

"It's a little early to drink, isn't it?" asked the brunette hybrid.

"Well considering recent events and now the plan. I think a drink is a good way to start the day." replied Rebekah.

"I know that it's risky but Klaus knows what he's doing and plus he has Freya with him." spoke Hayley.

"I know." stated Rebekah as she let out a sigh. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the meeting? You know with you being the representative of the werewolves and all."

"Yeah actually I was looking for you because of that."  stated Hayley hesitantly. "Could you look after Hope during the meeting? I don't feel safe leaving her alone in the nursery."

Rebekah looked at Hayley confused but then got up as she stood beside her sister-in-law. "Are you kidding? I was starting to feel left out and anyways my task is later on so I'll be happy to look after my niece."

The two women smiled at each other as Hayley handed Hope to her aunt.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

Davina was walking towards the crowd of witches that were gathered as they were discussing the invitation to the faction meeting.

"This has to be a trick to kill the last few elder witches." spoke the witch Lenore as she stood at the front of the crowd.

Lenore used to be loyal to Marcel once but after he became a part of the Mikaelsons Lenore went back to being with the witches since she was afraid that Marcel wouldn't protect her anymore.

"Lenore is correct, we shouldn't attend this meeting." stated one of the witches from the crowd.

Davina was baffled by the stupidity of the witches as many of them started to agree with Lenore. Anger started to bubble up in the young witch as she made her way to the front right next to Lenore.

"Enough!" shouted the Davina. "If the witches don't represent themselves during this meeting we might as well be outcasts from this city."

"Yes that might be the case but unlike you we have something called pride." stated Lenore.

It was no secret that the other witches hated Davina but they did not do anything to her due to them being too afraid pf the Mikaelsons.

"What good is your pride if you're dead?" asked Davina. "Just yesterday a couple of our own witches were murdered and now the meeting is being held to deal with that and we are just going to disregard their deaths because of our pride?"

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