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The family takes care of Dahlia and they celebrate their victory against their latest adversary.
A year from now, Cami and Hayley stand behind a truck filled with coffins.


Elijah Mikaelson sat outside the bar drinking his wine and thinking about current state of the city. It had been a few months since Dahlia had been taken care of and even with the Strix still being here there wasn't anything that had been affecting the peace around his family.

Hayley, Klaus and Hope were spending more family time which delighted the older Mikaelson as he had never seen his brother be so happy. Rebekah and Marcel had officially announced their relationship to the family and everyone including Klaus were supportive of them.

Kol and Davina would always spend their time together and even though they thought the family wasn't aware of those two, everyone had taken notice especially Marcel who was very sceptical of the two but didn't want to get in the middle of Davina's happiness.

Finn had been helping with Marcel's vampires and had even taken in a young vampire as an apprentice with the name of Gia. Freya had been busy enjoying her new found freedom since Dahlia no longer loomed over her head.

Though Elijah was a bit wary of his relationship with Cami due to her request to turn her, the two were still happy. He smiled as he remembered the blonde and then looked at the time, he finished his wine and left.


Klaus and Hayley were cooking together, something they had made a habit of, while Hope sat next to the table while playing with one of her toys.

The couple were enjoying their time together until they heard footsteps approaching, the two turned towards the door as they saw the eldest Mikaelson, Freya, enter.

"What is it sister?" asked Klaus as he washed his hand and moved towards the blonde witch.

"I have been going through the prophecy that was foretold about the three sirelines." started Freya. "I suspect that the Strix and other sirelines might have started to make their move."

"What do you mean?" asked Hayley as she continued cooking.

"I have gotten word from a source within the Strix that Aurora and Tristan are on their way here." replied Freya, causing Hayley to stop what she was doing.

Klaus had told Hayley about Aurora, who was the first true love of his life. Even though Hayley had been told by Klaus that he had moved on from her, hearing her name triggered something a kin to jealousy in the hybrid.

"How sure are you of this source and how are the Strix aware of them?" asked Klaus trying to act coy.

"The Strix keeps tab on them for some reason and as for the source, it isn't exactly a source." spoke Freya causing Klaus to raise an eyebrow. "I might have looked through the mind of one of the Strix member in secret."

Klaus was surprised however let out a chuckle at his sister's boldness to which Hayley just smacked his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." stated Klaus towards Hayley as he controlled his laughter and looked back at his sister. "I do hope you didn't get caught."

"Of course not, it was very easy to sneak past them." stated Freya.

"Still you shouldn't have taken such a risk." spoke Hayley to which Freya rolled her eyes.

"Look we now have insider information from the Strix and that's all that matters." stated Freya.

"Alright now that we know that the Martels are on their way here we need to prepare in case if they start trouble." stated Klaus.

"Well we already have trouble brewing here." spoke Marcel as he walked in.

"What do you mean?" asked Hayley.

(Streets of New Orleans)

Elijah walked towards the street he had been told to arrive at and saw police tape around the place. He started to walk towards it only to be stopped by a few deputies.

"Let him through he's with me." came the voice of Camille as the deputies let Elijah through.

"So what have we here?" asked Elijah as he walked beside the blonde.

"Well you tell me." stated the blonde as she pointed at a dead human with his mouth cut and hanging by wires. Elijah went closer to inspect as his eyes went wide open.

"I am gonna presume with that look that you know who did this?" spoke Cami.

"I do and if I am correct we need to get in touch with Niklaus as soon as possible." stated Elijah.

"I had already texted Marcel about this and he said he will be doing that." stated Cami. "He failed to tell me who the killer is though."

"It's Niklaus's first ever vampire, Lucien Castle." replied Elijah. "We need to go somewhere else if I am to explain further."

The blonde nodded as the two made their way away from the crime scene.

(Study: Compound)

"So let me get this straight not only are Elijah and Rebekah's first sire coming into town but yours has also arrived?" asked Hayley as she looked towards her husband.

"It would seem so." replied the original hybrid.

"So what are we going to do about them?" asked Marcel. "Lucien alone is trouble but with Aurora and Tristan the town will become a war zone."

"And with the prophecy still looming over you, Elijah and Rebekah we need to be more vigilant with them." spoke Freya to which Hayley nodded.

Klaus started to go into deep thought and started to take into all the variables. He knew that much of the plans made by the three first sires can be taken care of however he was still a bit worried about the super original spell. A thought came to his mind as he looked at Marcel.

"I have a plan in mind however I need the entire family for this." spoke Klaus.

This was a shorter chapter.

I wanted to write more but I want to think of a good enough plan where all the characters will be important which will take time.

Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter.

The Choice: A Klayley Fix itWhere stories live. Discover now