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Ansel informs Klaus and Hayley about the unification ceremony.
Esther and Finn imprison Elijah.
Rebekah, Marcel and Camille try to find Elijah.


Klaus sat in his study and was in deep thought. He was thinking about the unification ceremony.

He knew that he wanted to get married to Hayley but he was afraid of it being through the ceremony. The ceremony required the 2 parties to tell each other all of their secrets and though Klaus trusted Hayley with every secret he was afraid of revealing that he regressed.

Klaus was scared that if he revealed about the other timeline Hayley would stop trusting him or worse leave him all together. He sat in his chair pondering over his options.

The only thing that came to his mind immediately was to stop the ceremony from happening. He was thinking of the many reasons to give in order to stop it and was even ready to make a scene if necessary.

Once he had thought it through he got up and headed towards his door. However he was unable to open it, he used all his strength but the door wouldn't budge.

Klaus looked around and saw that the time had stopped and wondered how he was still moving. Then he felt it, the presence of the being he was all too familiar with as he turned to look at the sentient being known as Nobody.

"So." started the sentient being. "I tell you to not do anything like your past self and immediately when you see an issue you think of going back to your old ways."

Klaus was annoyed by his comment. "So you looked into my mind!?"

"I didn't need to, your face was enough of an indicator." stated Nobody.

"And you really think I didn't think of all the options!? I cannot go ahead with the unification because I would have to reveal to Hayley that I was regressed and I am afraid...." spoke Klaus.

"You're afraid she will leave you." stated the being to which Klaus nodded.

"Okay listen, I get that this is a genuine issue so I will help you." spoke Nobody. Klaus raised his eyebrow in confusion. "You won't have to state anything from the other timeline and about the regression."

Klaus was taken aback by this because this would solve his problem but was genuinely confused. "Why would you help me again?" asked the hybrid.

"I believe you deserve happiness Klaus. Plus like I have said before you and your family are the source of my entertainment and I don't want that to be ruined." spoke the being.

Klaus understood that Nobody was telling the truth and that reassured Klaus as he had a small smile on his face.

The being then stepped towards Klaus. "But let me make one thing clear, this is the last time I help you. I can't interfere with your world as much as I already have." stated Nobody.

"Understood." said Klaus as he nodded as he also didn't want the sentient being to be interfering too much in his world.

"Now when I leave, time will start again but remember just because you can't talk about the past timeline or the regression doesn't mean that you can hide from her what your plans are to deal with future enemies."

"I guessed as much." spoke Klaus.

Nobody saw that Klaus was no longer afraid. He turned around and began to leave move away from the hybrid.

"Take care Klaus and good luck." said the hing as he vanished.

Klaus then heard the clocks in the study ticking. He then turned towards the door and turned the nob and it opened easily. He smiled in relief as he was no longer afraid.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

Rebekah walks in with Camille and Marcel into the cemetery. They see Finn coming towards them and Rebekah zooms towards him and grabs his neck.

"Where is our brother?" asked Rebekah angrily.

"Let him go, Rebekah." came the voice of little girl.

"And who are you?" asked Marcel from behind.

"My name is Esther, and I believe you are Marcel and the one beside you must be Camille." stated Esther with confidence.

Rebekah lets Finn go as he coughs trying to catch his breath.

"And I do not mean to harm my son. If you want to take him with you, you can do so. He is in the tomb over there." stated Esther as she pointed at a tomb.

The three people made their way to the tomb where they see Elijah in a comatose state on the floor with chains on his hand.

Camille goes beside Elijah as she tries to wake him up but to no avail. "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing, I just showed him his true self." answered Esther with a smirk as she left.

"We should've just killed her." spoke Marcel as he removed Elijah's chains.

"We don't know what she has planned and knowing her she definitely has something up her sleeve." stated Rebekah as she turned towards her brother. "Plus it's best if we look after my brother instead of waste our time on her."

The three removed the chains and carry Elijah with them to get back to the compound.


Klaus had been talking with Ansel and asking him about the rituals and trials when they see Cami, Marcel and Rebekah drag the body of Elijah who was still not awake.

The 2 men rush towards them as Hayley came down the stairs.

"What happened to him?" asked the brunette.

"Esther did." claimed Rebekah as they place him on the ground.

Klaus immediately inspected his body and found the cause of the problem. He looks towards Rebekah. "Do you remember this?"

Rebekah's eyes widen upon realisation. "I haven't seen that in years."

"What? What is it?" asked Marcel.

"It is something that Esther would do to Mikael after he would come from a war." stated Ansel which caused the 2 siblings to turn their heads towards him.

"How do you know that?" asked Rebekah.

"Because I used to be the one that got her the orchid to get him out of the coma." replied the werewolf.

Klaus gets up immediately and moves towards Ansel. "You need to tell us where we can get it so we can help my brother."

"Okay I will take you there." stated Ansel.

"Marcellus and Hayley you both are joining." spoke Klaus to which the 2 individuals nodded as they left with the father and son.

Camille was still worried as she hovered over Elijah's body. Rebekah keeps a hand over her shoulder to console her.

"Don't worry Nik will save Elijah no matter what." stated the blonde original which reassured Camille as she caressed Elijah's hair.

That is another chapter done.

I knew I wanted to bring nobody back but did not see much need for it until now.

Though I feel the pacing is slow it is fine for now.

I will try to finish up a few loose ends by next 2 chapters.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

The Choice: A Klayley Fix itWhere stories live. Discover now