Just Tell Him

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Elijah ponders over the current state of his family.
Klaus and Hayley are made aware of brewing threat in the form of old acquaintances.
Elijah and Marcel come to know that Lucien Castle has already arrived at their city.

(Mikaelson Compound: A Year from Now)

Marcel sits on one of the couches and looks around at the empty space, contemplating his every decision as he hears a thin growl coming from below.

Upon hearing the growl he starts to look back at what had transpired and caused the current events while sighing as he drinks a glass of bourbon.

(Mikaelson Compound: Present Time)

Everyone from the family head out of the study a bit shocked by the plan laid out by Klaus. Davina, Freya and Kol headed back to their little witch lab to start the preparations while Rebekah and Cami went towards the Church while Marcel headed to gather up the vampires.

Hayley gave Klaus a soft kiss as she headed to the bayou to do her part as Klaus stood from above and overlooked everyone. Finn and Elijah stand beside their younger brother with pressed lips.

"Do you think this is the only way brother?" asked the eldest Mikaelson brother.

"I usually do not question your tactics however outrageous but this time even I do have my concerns." spoke Elijah.

"I understand brothers, if I could have it any other way I would not suggest all this however based on the circumstances and considering what we all have to lose....." stated Klaus as he saw his wife wave good bye with a soft smile and he did the same. "....this might just be the only way."

Finn let out a sigh of relief and put his hand on the original hybrid's shoulder. "Alright as long as you are considering the welfare of this family I shall be by your side, little brother."

"So shall I." spoke Elijah with a smile.

Klaus looked at both his elder brothers and wished he could've been this way with them from the start, he let out a breath.

"Thank you, both of you." stated Klaus with a smile. What the elder Mikaelson brother's didn't see was the hint of sadness in the original hybrid's smile.

(St. Ann's Church)

Rebekah and Camille were busy with organising the many cursed objects and with the renovation of the church.

The church had become vacant and not much of use due to everything that had happened here but Rebekah had an idea of changing it into both a place to pray and a sort of neutral ground where any supernatural creature can take asylum.

Rebekah was taking care of a bit of paper work but the work was still lagging due to a certain blonde that had been spacing out every few minutes.

"Are you alright Cami?" asked Rebekah while putting a hand on Camille's shoulder which startled the blonde.

"Yes, yes I am." stated Camille with a forced smile.

"Clearly not." spoke Rebekah as she pulled Cami and the two blondes sat on a bench. "What is it? Is it the church or is it Elijah?"

Just as the blonde vampire spoke out her brother's name she noticed Camille's face turning sad, which made the vampire worried.

"What did he do? Did he offend you or....." started Rebekah but was interrupted by Cami shaking her head in disagreement.

"No it's nothing like that." stated Cami as she played with her fingers. "It's just.... recently I asked Elijah to turn me into a vampire."

Rebekah looked at the other blonde in shock and shook her head a little in disbelief.

"You did what?" asked Rebekah rhetorically.

"That is the same sort of reaction your brother had when I asked him to." spoke Cami which calmed Rebekah a bit. "He said that he will give me a year to think it through but ever since then there is a bit of awkwardness between the two of us."

"I can only imagine." stated Rebekah sympathetically. "I do get where Elijah is coming from though, you might regret being a vampire or it might change your personality entirely."

"I understand the risks, it's just I was never really sure about much in my life. I came here to investigate about my brother's death but I stuck around because of Elijah and all of you." spoke Camille with a smile. "I don't know what might happen to me when I become a vampire but I am sure that I would want to stay with Elijah and also all of you through it all."

Rebekah had a wide smile on her face as Camille spoke those words, she had never heard anyone give such an answer for wanting to turn into a vampire and it made her even more happy that it was towards her family.

The blonde original hugged the other blonde tightly and after they broke the hug, she stated "Just tell him what you told me, but give him the year he asked. Knowing him he probably wasn't asking the time just for you but also for himself."

Camille looked down with pressed lips but the cloud over her heart had cleared up a bit. She got up along with her blonde vampire accomplice and went back to work.

(Strix: Warehouse)

A loud banging comes from the front door of the Strix headquarters, where Aya along with a few of her men stood prepared for this unannounced guest.

The door was finally opened by one of the men and the person on the other side of the door turned out to be none other than Marcel Gerard.

"What business do you have?" asked Aya coldly.

"Well, don't know if you heard, my vampire army is getting bored these days." spoke Marcel. "And I heard you are low on men so I thought my men and I could help you guys out until more of your people turn up."

Aya looked at Marcel suspiciously, she did require help to carry out her actual plan along with Lucien and the Martels but she had inside information that Marcel was very close to the Mikaelsons and could not be turned against them so he could not be trusted.

She contemplated for a bit and finally replied with a simple, "Sure." She knew that as much as she didn't want the Mikaelsons to get to know the inner workings of the current Strix declining their offer might turn out to be counter productive and cause the original family to get even more suspicious of her group.

Marcel upon hearing her response smiled and stated, "Splendid."

Wow talk about a dramatic return! I will be releasing more of this story soon but as mentioned kind of working through each character and the part they will play.

What do you all think Klaus's plan is?

Who do you think was the inside information?

Tell me if you guys liked this chapter and also give me a few suggestions on certain characters. Cannot guarantee I will do the request but will try to integrate it into the story.

The Choice: A Klayley Fix itWhere stories live. Discover now