Goodbye for now

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Kol looks at the spell given to Davina by Klaus and wonders about its use.
Klaus and Hayley get married and everyone celebrates.
Finn leaves as the celebration goes on as his condition worsens.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

Finn sat near one of the tombs in the cemetery as he let out a breath out of exhaustion. Finn had been using his own magic to slow down the effects of the hex but he could feel it now, he didn't have much time left and his magic couldn't stop this.

He had thought of jumping to another body and had discussed about it with Freya but upon analysing the mark created on him, they had found out that jumping bodies was restricted.

He sat there looking as the sub was starting to set and remembering his family. Regretting his decision to always be against his siblings, whom he loves more dearly now than ever before.


Kol, Davina, Marcel and Rebekah had returned to the compound after being exhausted from dancing. They were talking about the wedding but were interrupted as they saw a worried Freya approaching.

"What happened?" asked Rebekah.

"It's Finn, I can't find him." replied Freya which confused the others.

"You don't have to worry sister, he is a grown man and can take care of himself." spoke Kol.

"You guys don't understand." stated Freya, she had made a promise with Finn not to reveal anything about his condition until the wedding and since the wedding was over she was no longer obligated to do so. "He was hexed."

Everyone stood with their mouth open as everyone made sense of the words spoken by the eldest Mikaelson.

"What?" came the voice belonging to the new groom. Everyone turned around to find Klaus along with Elijah, Cami and Hayley who was still holding Hope. They were looking for the others as they had gotten exhausted themselves.

"What do you mean he was hexed?" spoke Elijah as he and Klaus got closer to Freya.

"It happened around the time he went to get Kol, Davina and Hope, it was done by Dahlia and she made it so he cannot even jump to a different body." replied Freya with a sad expression. "He promised me not to tell anyone until the wedding because he was afraid that we would all drop everything to help him."

Klaus stood with his mouth closed as he started to breath a little harder than usual. He was annoyed at himself for being selfish, for not noticing what was happening to his own brother and this thought was making him hate himself.

Just as these thoughts were eating him up further, he felt a hand grab his. He looked around and saw his wife look at him, giving him strength. He smiled towards her and then looked back at the rest.

"First, we need to find him." spoke Klaus. "Davina and Kol go to the Plantation house, Camille and Elijah you both go to the church, Rebekah and Marcel go to Rousseau's and Freya and I will check the cemetery."

Klaus turns around to face his wife. "I need you to stay here with Hope, inform Ansel, Aiden and Josh of the situation and tend to the guests." He kissed his wife's forehead as everyone made their way out.

(Later: Lafayette Cemetery)

Klaus and Freya were looking through each tomb in the cemetery when Klaus heard his phone buzz.

"Anything?" asked the eldest Mikaelson as her brother checked his phone and shook his head in disagreement.

"Just Camille and Elijah saying that Finn is not at the church." spoke Klaus with a sigh.

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