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Klaus wakes Elijah up with the help of the orchid.
The family devises a plan to defeat the witches and Guerreras.
Elijah kills Francesca along with the werewolves in her mansion while Rebekah and Marcel takes care of the rest of the enhanced wolves.
Camille stores the rings.
Elijah finds Josh in the forest who brings the North East Atlantic pack with him.

(Lafayette Cemetery)

Esther was trying to locate Kol when she sees a worried Finn walking in.

"What is it Finn?" asked Esther.

"Elijah and the others have killed the Guerreras." replied Finn.

Esther smirks on this reply. "I always knew the Guerreras would make a mistake at some point."

"What do we do now? What if they come after us?" asked Finn.

"Don't worry, child. Even if they do I can stop them." spoke Esther in confidence.


Klaus heads to the basement of his compound and hears banging coming from one of its doors. He immediately knows who it is as he heads towards it and opens it.

"You!?" spoke the eldest Mikaelson sibling, Freya. "What am I doing here?"

Klaus looked down to control his emotions since it had been so long since he had seen his sister. He then looked up and smirked seeing how she was not afraid of him.

"We rescued you from that insane asylum for witches, sister." stated Klaus.

Freya's eyes widened by Klaus's last word. "You know who I am?"

"Elijah looked into your mind to see who you were but we weren't sure if it was true." replied Klaus and then looked directly at his sister. "From the looks of it, I can see that it must be. Though in order to prove that I need your help."

Freya knew all her siblings, she knew that Klaus was the cunning one but at this moment for some unknown reason she knew that he was telling the truth.

She let out a deep breath. "Okay, but first could I freshen up?"

Klaus smiled at her which took Freya a little by surprise but she smiled back. "Sure sister, I will show you to your room."


Ansel and Hayley were going over the training of the werewolves when they heard a noise in the back so they turned around, only to find the vampire Joshua.

"Hey Hayley." stated Josh as he waved his hand and the hybrid waved back. "Um so I found the werewolves and they are going to be here in a few minutes. I just wanted to be sure, is it true that the alpha of their pack has returned from the dead?"

"Yes that would be him." replies Hayley pointing at Ansel who waves at Josh. "Why did you want to be sure?"

"Well Klaus was the one who told me this and based on the source I wasn't sure if it was reliable." spoke Josh which immediately was met with a reaction by Ansel and Hayley who growled scaring Joshua.

"Hey, don't scare my vampires like that." came the voice of the leader of vampires, Marcellus.

"Well if he doesn't want to be scared he should think before he speaks." retorted Hayley.

"Fair enough, but you have to admit most people on the outside do not see Klaus as we do, because at the end of the day he will be the big bad wolf to anyone that is a threat to his family." states Marcel.

Hayley sighed as she knew that was the truth but she didn't care about him being that way. She loves Klaus and not just his kind, warming side that looks after all his siblings but also the cold, ruthless side that would kill anyone that has harmed his family.

As she was pondering she heard footsteps approaching and many wolves appeared. They all looked around but then noticed Ansel and kneeled down to greet the alpha.

Ansel was shocked just like the rest, mainly because he hadn't been the alpha for centuries and at the moment just wanted to be a father to his son. But as he looked around he realised that his son would require allies, and if he is to act like a mediator for the time being he will do it.


Rebekah enters the compound after her date with Marcel who had to go to the Bayou to deal with the new werewolf pack entering.

Rebekah stops when she hears the voice of someone unfamiliar. She heads upstairs and notices the voice of a woman in the study. She lunges, opening the door and grabbing the woman by her neck.

"Rebekah! Stop!" stated Klaus who was on the other side of the room. "It's our sister Freya, she woke up."

Rebekah finally realising her mistake lets her sister go who coughed to get some air.

"I am so sorry, I thought someone came here to snoop." spoke Rebekah apologetically.

"No it's fine, I get it." said Freya as she finally caught up with her breath. "I hear our mother is upto no good and wants to kill my niece?"

"Yes and if I remember correctly, Elijah mentioned you being kidnapped by our aunt, Dahlia and something about her taking away the first borns?" asked Rebekah which caused Freya to be saddened.

"Yes, she did make that deal. She absorbed my child to get its power and she does the same by linking her with me." states the Mikaelson witch.

Klaus gets up and places his hand on Freya's shoulder. "You don't have to worry about Dahlia anymore, you aren't alone in this."

Freya became teary eyed and hugged Klaus immediately. Rebekah smiled due to the actions of her brother. She then places her hand on Freya's back.

"We shall fight her together." spoke Rebekah.

"Yes, but first comes our mother." stated Klaus.

Freya breaks her hug and wipes her tears. "What do you need me for?"

"I need you to get Finn on our side." spoke Klaus which shocked the 2 women in the room for different reasons.

"Finn is on our mother's side?" "Will Finn even listen to Freya?" asked both the women in unison.

"Yes Freya, he is on her side. She has twisted his mind to believe us to be monsters when she is the one who turned us into this without any choice. Worst of all she is making him believe that killing my child is the right thing to do." spoke Klaus as he faced the other way in anger but then the moment passed and he immediately looked at Rebekah.

"As for your question little sister, am I correct to assume that Finn was very close to you, Freya?" asked the original hybrid.

"Yes, I dotted on him until I was taken away." replied Freya.

"Okay then I recommend you speak with him and try to put some sense back into him." states Rebekah.

"And if that doesn't work?" asked Freya.

"Then use this." replied Klaus while throwing the diamond towards her. "It is a spell to trap souls in, up until now we have just put the souls stored in it into a body but I am sure you will be able to do the opposite as well?"

"Yes I think I can do that." states Freya as she analyses the crystal.

Klaus looks at his sister and wonders if things would've been like this if he had trusted her the first time.

That is another chapter done.

I didn't want to take care of Esther in some stupid way so gonna be delaying that.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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