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Elijah and Finn are on the road to Arkansas when Elijah gets images of the red door.
Klaus proposes to Hayley and the rest congratulate the couple.

(Arkansas Safe House)

Davina and Kol just arrived at the safe house with Hope. They start cleaning up and remove the sheets over the furniture so that they could rest up.

"Finally." states Kol as he sits on a couch comfortably.

"Hey, we still have a few more sheets to remove." spoke Davina.

"Don't worry it's not like we are gonna spend much time here, if anything this would be more work when we are about to leave." stated Kol as he placed Hope with her carrier on a nearby seat.

Davina sighs. "Fair enough." she says as she takes a seat on another couch.

(On The Road to Safe House)

Finn had been driving for a while and the two brothers knew they were getting close.

"We should reach there in an hour, I guess." spoke Elijah while checking the GPS.

"Okay good." stated Finn.

Finn was driving properly when out of nowhere a woman showed up and Finn tries to stop the car. The car ends up stopping right before the woman.

The 2 brothers look up to see what has occurred but are surprised when they find no one there. They look at each other questionably and confused.

(Arkansas Safe House)

Kol and Davina were starting to get worried since the 2 brothers were late by an hour and were not picking up any calls which is very unlike them.

"Where are they?" stated Kol while looking out the window. Just as he said this he realised a flock of ravens gathering in front which made Kol nervous. "Um Davina?"

Davina rushed towards Kol and he pointed towards the ravens. "Do you think that is a random coincidence?"

Davina stared at it and widened her eyes. "No, I read through your mother's grimoires and ravens were used by her to track others. It also said that she and her sister were the ones who used to do this a lot."

The couple in the room stared at each other and then towards Hope who was cooing quietly. Davina made her way to Hope while Kol took his phone out to call Klaus.


Klaus was in his study going through books to see for ways to prevent future events. He knew that some things could not be stopped but things like the hollow required to be taken care of before they become a problem.

As the original hybrid was thinking all this, he received a call from Kol. "Hello, little brother."

"Hey Nik, we have a situation." stated Kol.

Klaus got worried as he put his book away. "What is it?"

"Well you remember that Aunt that we were told about when we found our oldest sister? Well she might be stalking us right now." stated Kol.

Klaus was shocked upon this information and tried to think it through. "What of Elijah and Finn?"

"Still not here and they aren't even answering calls. I can only assume they are also in trouble." states the youngest Mikaelson boy.

"Alright." started Klaus after letting out a breath. "Start making your way to New Orleans. I will meet you both half way at one of the diners and then we can plan ahead."

"And what about our brothers?" asked Kol.

"If you see them on your way, inform them about our stalker aunt and make them come along with you. If not I will find them after Hope has returned to the city." spoke Klaus.

"Okay sounds like a plan." stated Kol. "See you later, brother."

"Take care." spoke Klaus as he hung up.

He immediately makes his way downstairs and starts heading towards his car when Hayley sees him.

"Ah good, you're here. Come along with me, love." stated Klaus as he grabbed Hayley's hand.

Hayley looked at Klaus confused as they were headed towards the car. "Where are we going?"

Klaus pauses and turns around to look at Hayley. "To get our daughter."

Hayley starts to smile and the two parents make their way towards the car and head out.

(On The Road to Safe House)

Finn and Elijah were inspecting stuff around their vehicle when a fog started to form. Elijah notices this and seems worried.

They look around and see the same woman from the road near the trees. As they did Finn noticed the energy coming from her.

"She's a witch." spoke Finn and as soon as he did both brothers put two and two together.

"Dahlia." exclaimed both brothers as they got ready for a fight but instead the fog started to clear which confused them even further.

They waited in case of a trap popping up but when nothing happened they got back in the car and made their way to the safe house.

Elijah gets a call from Kol which he picks up immediately.

"Bloody hell, finally! Where have you both been for the past 2 hours!?" stated Kol from the other end.

"Two hours!?" stated Elijah as he checked the time on their GPS and it indeed showed that 2 hours had passed which shocked the two in the car.

"Where are you both?" asked Elijah.

"We are heading to New Orleans, Klaus suggested he will meet us half way at one of the diners." spoke Kol.

"Okay we aren't that far so we will meet you in 30 minutes, I supposed." stated Elijah.

"Brilliant, I will inform Nik. He will be relieved to hear that he doesn't have to go and find you guys after this." stated Kol. "Drive safe."

"You too." states Elijah as the call ends and they make their way towards the agreed upon location.

This is the end of another chapter.

This is a short one but the reason behind that is I didn't want to compress much of the later plot here.

I will try to get the story lines I have in mind to be started from the next chapter properly.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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