Mystic Falls

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Elijah and Rebekah kills Agnes and her witches.
Klaus cooks for his family and shares another intimate moment with Hayley.
Klaus comes up with a plan against the witches and shares with his family.
The plan includes Elijah to go to Dowager Fauline Cottage to retrieve a powerful witch (Freya their older sister) and for Klaus to go back to Mystic Falls to put the souls of his brothers (Finn and Kol) inside the paragon diamond.

(Early morning)

Klaus was all set and was heading towards the compound to meet Marcel. He saw him speaking to his right hand man Thierry  and heard how he suggested that Klaus cannot be trusted. He then entered the room to see Marcel trying out a suit.

Ah yes the party thought Klaus. In the original timeline Klaus had framed Thierry in order to get closer to Marcel and the party played a vital role in that. However unlike last time Klaus was not interested in being King this time since all he needed was his family and not a throne, though he would still do whatever it took to save people that he considered to be important to him.

Thierry stopped as soon as he saw Klaus enter. "Don't stop on my account mate." stated Klaus with a smirk.

Klaus then towards Marcel and said, "Can we talk privately?" Marcel then nodded towards Thierry telling him to leave.

Marcel made sure his vampires weren't listening in on him. "So what's up? Is this about the vampires from yesterday because I can assure you that was not my doing. The witches called on a tip and the vampires acted on their own."

"No I understand about that, though I would appreciate it if you made sure that it doesn't happen again for a while." mentioned Klaus.

"Okay I understand." replied Marcel. Klaus didn't leave so he continued, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Yes I need your witch to cast this simple spell." he said as he got the paper out.

Marcel inspected the paper and asked, "What do you need it for?"

"Nothing of importance. Can you help me with this?"

"Sure I will call her in 30 minutes you can sit outside until she arrives." suggested Marcel.

Though Klaus didn't like to be made to wait he knew that this was important and needed to be done by a powerful witch and though Davina was untrained she was indeed powerful.

"So what is the deal with the little witch?" asked Klaus. Though he knew everything about the harvest festival he wasn't informed about it as of yet in this timeline.

Marcel explained to Klaus how he had to save Davina from being sacrificed in Harvest festival and that he saw a part of himself in her. Klaus praised the little warrior on helping someone and shared the sentiment as he was all too familiar from the time he had saved Marcel from his stepfather.

"She must be here." said Marcel as he got up to go towards the entrance of the compound.

Klaus was busy thinking of everything he would need to do to bring his brothers back when he saw the little witch with Marcel enter his eye sight.

"Is that the spell?" asked Davina while looking at the paper.

"Yes." stated Klaus handing it out.

"It also says here that the spell needs to be done on an object of great power? Do you have that?"

Klaus took out the paragon diamond which made Marcel raise an eyebrow since it was he who had ratted Kol out and allowed Klaus to possess it. "This should work fine."

"It's a simple spell so I should be able to get it over with quickly." spoke Davina confidently.

She then began the spell and as Klaus had predicted she wasn't feeling much drained while casting the spell, he knew that even though the spell wasn't complex it would require a lot of energy something a normal witch won't be able to do.

Davina finished the spell. "here." stated Davina as she handed the diamond back to Klaus.

Klaus inspected the diamond which had changed its colour to a bright red which made it look like a ruby instead of diamond.

"Thank you, both of you." spoke Klaus as he left.

"He isn't as ruthless as you told me." spoke Davina.

"He's changed that's for sure." replied Marcel.

(Mystic Falls)

As he was entering Mystic Falls he got a call from an all too familiar blonde who he admired a lot.

"Hello Caroline, and to what do I owe the pleasure?" He liked Caroline perhaps at some point even loved her but he didn't like very much how she was forced into getting to know him and that for the most part she was afraid of him.

This was one of the many reasons he loved Hayley more, since even if she had her own self interest when meeting Klaus she never was afraid to call him out on his BS.

Caroline explained to Klaus the current situation that has been going on in Mystic Falls and explains that she needs his blood to help Damon.

"Okay fine, I will be there as soon as I can." And with that he hung up.

He was actually in the town however he needed to first go and meet a certain Bennett witch to help him first.

He found Bonnie at the school. "Look I know you are being haunted by my brother. So why don't you help me by trapping him and my other brother Finn in this diamond? That way you will not have to go through your entire day listening to his constant whining."

"Don't listen to him!" shouted Kol.

Bonnie thought of it and then agreed. She used the spell to put Kol's soul in the Diamond and then used another spell to find Finn's soul in the veil and put it in the same object.

"Thank you." said Klaus as he handed his vile of blood to Bonnie who was glad to receive it since she knew Damon required it. "Now shouldn't you get going, don't you have a graduation to attend to?"

Klaus knew he didn't need to attend the graduation ceremony anymore, since his brother wouldn't be able go gather the witches in time, but he did so anyways just to be sure.

He was happy to see that the Mystic Falls gang were able to share a group hug without any interruptions this time. He smirked at the scene and left.

(Back in New Orleans)

"So you say you have some information on Klaus?" spoke Marcel. He was in the middle of his party when he heard one of his men looking for him as a wolf wanted to speak with him.

"Yeah I do, it's about his unborn child and the threat it presents." spoke the figure, as it walked out of the shadows to reveal Tyler Lockwood.

So this was the chapter.

As I said before there will only be a small cameo and I wanted to avoid Caroline and Klaus to interact too much since I didn't want him to act cold towards her.

I am still trying to figure out how he will interact with other characters, that's the same reason why I haven't done any Camille and Klaus scenes.

Also I know there was no Elijah, Rebekah or Hayley but it's necessary.

Also how do you think this is gonna play out?

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