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The Mikaelson's go back to their lives after the events during the wedding.
The factions find their members slaughtered and start to blame one another.
Klaus figures out the person behind the conflict.


"It's Dahlia." whispered Klaus so quietly that it could be barely heard by his siblings standing next to him.

The siblings upon taking in his words start to put the pieces together themselves as their eyes widen.

"Then what do we do?" asked Rebekah stepping closer to Klaus.

Klaus pressed his lips to think and then cleared his throat to face Aya and the Strix. "I will be calling a meeting for the factions, there seems to be someone trying to cause a fight amongst ourselves so I think it's best we discuss it."

Aya looked at Klaus sceptically and then looked around her. She knew that it wasn't the time to act impulsively so she let out a breath as she spoke, "Fine. When and where?"

"Here. Tomorrow at 1 in the afternoon." replied Klaus.

"Alright, we will take our leave for now." stated Aya as she commanded the Strix to leave.

Once all the Strix had left the Elijah turned to his brother. "How sure are we that it's Dahlia?"

"I think we can be very certain about it." stated Kol as he walked in with Davina. "I tried calling you three and none of you picked up so I called Hayley while Davina called Marcel and we got the updates."

"Why were you trying to call us and why do you think Nik is right?" asked Rebekah.

"Well, we were at the cemetery and we saw a bunch of witches killed." started Kol. "We wanted to call to inform you guys about it since they suspected Marcel and his vampires to be the guilty party."

"Marcel and his vampires are under my mentorship and neither I nor Marcel would ever allow such a thing to happen." spoke Elijah.

"Exactly, hence we tried to reach you three." stated Davina. "First we thought it was the Strix who were creating the misunderstanding however since we just saw them leaving it would mean they were also hit, correct?"

The three siblings nodded. "Then the only party that profits from this is our aunt Dahlia who according to our sister, Freya, is trying to come for Hope." stated Kol.

Everyone in the courtyard were looking at each other nervously.

"Your assumption are correct." stated Freya as she made her way upstairs. This was the first time in weeks the siblings had seen her out of the basement so they were all surprised by her arrival.

"Our aunt specialises in manipulation ." continued Freya. "I have seen do this many times while I was with her, she tries to get what she wants with whatever means necessary."

Klaus upon hearing these words immediately went for his phone.

"Who are you calling brother?" asked Kol.

"Hayley." replied Klaus. "Rebekah and Elijah call Marcel and Cami. If we are to take down our aunt then we need the whole family for this."

The other two nodded as they reached out for their phones and called their respective partners.


Everyone gathered back at the compound except of Ansel and Aiden who were busy with the funeral arrangements of the werewolves. Hayley however did return and was currently putting a sleeping Hope in her crib.

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