Chapter 4. An Outstanding Citizen

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My Father, being the man of the hour even if the party isn't for him, took his seat at the head of the table. We were having dinner rather early, but when the party only begins to wind down around three in the morning, you learn to pace yourselves and get the ball rolling before the sun sets. "Let us toast," he said raising his glass of champagne, "To the Diamond of the Capitol, the Daughter we never knew we needed, and our living proof that even the lowest among us can become an Outstanding Citizen of the Capitol, to Soarynn!" We all repeated the last phrase with great–forced–enthusiasm as we all raised our glasses and gave cheers to Soarynn. She then walked over and kissed Father on the cheek which looked as awkward for her as it was for him, both of them not being too comfortable with physical affection when it came to one another. 

I looked across the long table to see my Mother dabbing her eyes with her napkin, she always got emotional at things like this, especially when they had something to do with something she did. She was also on what I believe to be her third glass of champagne since dinner started, but the night is still young. Across from me sat my Mother, and next to her Soarynn, next to Soarynn was Eudora who had switched out her champagne for water. It must be exhausting trying to have fun while being on the clock.

 Next to me was Sejanus Plinth, one of my classmates and I suppose my closest friend as well. Next to him is his mother and father and next to them, well I really don't give a shit. "You've really outdone yourself this year Madame Snow," said Sejanus, he was always a bit of a kiss-up, but him also being District tended to make up for it. My Mother waved him off "Oh please, we must spare no expense for our sweet darling," she said, smiling at Soarynn. Soarynn returned her smile and went back to picking at her plate, the first of many I assume, my Mother knew how to throw a seventeen-course dinner better than anyone.

I think we were heading into the double digits when Sejanus swallowed his food and leaned over to whisper, "Are you going to ask her to dance tonight?" Such a simple yet bold question that led me to choke on my flower-flavored dish and gain me several concerned looks from those at the end of our table. I quickly waved them off, "Went down the wrong pipe." I said with a smile, seeming satisfied they all went back to their own conversations. It truly disturbs me how even the mention of her can cause me to lose my suave. "Well, I haven't really thought that far in advance, but as of right now, no." I said before taking a sip of my own champagne, the best part of the Capitol, no drinking age. 

"Why not?" He asked, giving me a puzzled look, Sejanus knew as well as the next citizen that Soarynn and I had our entire lives planned out including our marriage, it was logical, and no it's not weird, we aren't even related...directly. "She should feel lucky to be marrying a man like you," he said, jarring me out of my thoughts. "Well of course she should be, but she hasn't given me much voice on the matter," I replied. It was true, neither of us knew how to bring it up without making it extremely awkward although my Mother as of late seemed to love mentioning it, dropping little bombs such as: "Well we'll have to air it live for all of Panem to witness your undying love for each other... or .... I can't wait for my grandbabies to be running through these halls... or my personal favorite which we recently got after giving each other the side eye at the mention of our marriage... you two better get with the program because this marriage is happening whether you like it or not!" Nothing like a Mother's love.

 My Father stayed out of it as much as he could, almost always remaining silent during family dinners and discussions, dropping in a nod or a grunt of agreement from time to time. Part of me always wondered if our little press tour across the Districts was secretly an elaborate window shopping trip for my Mother to find the perfect girl for me to marry. "She's moving in the day after tomorrow isn't she?" he asked, my eyes watched her as she bit one of her perfectly manicured nails, a nasty habit she picked up from whenever she was anxious, "Mhm...she is but that doesn't change anything, she's just turned seventeen," I said not taking my eyes off her, they might do things differently where Sejanus and Soarynn are from in their respective Districts, but we in the Capitol have class. We don't marry minors, in the Districts I guess you're always on the cusp of death so it makes sense but not here in the Capitol. We like to drag things out for as long as the budget allows. "Which is why it's the perfect time for you two to get perfectly acquainted, thank you!" he said to the Avox serving him his next course. I tried not to roll my eyes as he said that. Sejanus always treated the Avoxes like they were people, as did Soarynn.

 "Might I mention the fact that you yourself haven't even held hands with a girl that isn't your mother, let alone danced with one," I said, glancing at his now red face. He sputtered, "Well! That's different! Not all of us were blessed with good looks and a powerful family name." I shoved a spoonful of colorful soup into my mouth before saying, "Call me a nepotism baby if you want, but don't hate me because I'm beautiful." I said batting my eyelashes at him, he in return made a kissy face at me, and we both turned when we heard snorting across the table to see Soarynn looking at us with eyebrows raised while trying her best to hide a smile. At least she was used to our antics. 

When I first met Sejanus, his family had moved to the Capitol from District Two right after the war. My first impressions of him weren't fabulous, but he's proved to be a loyal friend who allows me to take the pressure off myself. I introduced him to Soarynn hoping they could bond over having to deal with the opulence of the Capitol, and they quickly became steadfast friends. Soarynn had her own friends as well, she was rather shy so it took her some time, although I'm sure my Mother wasn't above bribing children under the table to befriend her. Soarynn was easy to like, that's how the Capitol fell in love with her so easily and she became the Capitol's Darling, it's very own Diamond that was here three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

 Unlike the Tributes that cycled through and provided enough short-lived excitement to hold the Capitol's citizens off another year, Soarynn provided the same level of 'districtness' without ever having to step foot in the arena. Winking at her I then turned to Sejanus in the most deadpanned voice and said, "Please finish your twenty-sixth course Sejanus, I'd hate to see you send my Mother to an early grave." Sejanus immediately whipped his arm into a salute, "Yes Sir future President Snow Sir!" he said. I looked at my pocket watch–a gift from Soarynn– to see that it was nearing nine o'clock, which meant dinner was winding down.

I knew for a fact that Eudora Trinket had this entire event planned down to a science, and would have everyone in the ballroom drunk by nine-thirty. I really don't know how she does this sober. Eudora is probably the most organized woman, or person, if I'm being honest, that I've ever met in my entire life. She's coordinated in every way possible, with her hair always matching her outfit and strangely enough her eyelashes...and her pet mice? She's been making sure my family hasn't dropped a beat since I can remember. In fact, the Trinkets have been planning events for us for generations. I once joked with her that she probably had her future grandchildren's names planned already, and I kid you know she whipped out a planner with at least three pages of names reading: 'Elodie, Elora, Elowen, Effie, Elspeth, Elvira, Emerald...'

As much as I'm scared of her, I respect her. She's pretty much planned every moment of our lives and has ensured for the past ten years that Soarynn and I have always been on time for school, doctor's visits, and birthday parties for our fellow classmates. I secretly believe that she took one look at District Twelve Soarynn and willed her to be clean and proper. I can't imagine what she'll do if she gives birth to a boy.

Surely enough by nine twenty-nine, we were all being whisked away to the ballroom which made the pre-procession look like a joke. Tables lined up with every cake you could imagine, an orchestra floating on...clouds? A water fountain in the middle of the room, and of course the doors opened up to the backyard to the greenhouse which housed our infamous roses. A rather tame event if you ask me. People in the Capitol know how to party, and they also love free things even if they're rich already. Mother says the war affected everyone in that way but in the end, Snow still landed on top. 

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