Chapter 64. Home Sweet Home

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"Is that my foot or yours?"

"It's definitely yours Soarynn."

It's hard to tell where your body parts are when you're actually buried in the snow. But Soarynn doesn't seem to see this as a problem as she giggles, grabbing some snow and throwing it up in the air. "Isn't it funny how we're the Snows and we're sitting in snow?" She asks me, her nose red, and her eyes bright and full of life.

I smile, watching her as she throws more snow in the air, "Isn't it funny how there's already snow falling and you keep throwing more of it in the air?" I ask as I lay down, the snow forming around me as I stretch out my arms.

Soarynn lays down next to me, scooting around until we're shoulder to shoulder. I turn my head to look at her, she does the same, leaning forward a little bit.

Now we're nose to nose.

"But isn't it pretty?" She insists.

I smile again, "You're the prettiest Snow I've ever seen," I reply, bumping my nose with her. Soarynn rolls her eyes but I can see the smile she's trying to hide behind her lips, "The sound Coryo."

I sat up, did she hear something?

We were lying in somewhat of a field, not too far from the town, and two Peacekeepers accompanied us as well. Soarynn sits up next to me, taking my gloved hand in hers, "The sound of snow, the sound of snow falling."

Oh . I look up, millions of snowflakes falling from the white sky, but I don't hear anything. "You can't really hear it though can you?" I asked her, "I mean, not the way you can hear the ocean or rain," I continued, knowing exactly what rain sounds like.

Rain sounds like Soarynn screaming, it sounds like her crying, her whimpering, her convinced mutts and Tributes are coming to get her. I don't think I'm too fond of rain these days.

"Hmm, maybe you can't hear it, maybe I'm just crazy," Soarynn says with a shrug, plopping back down into the snow. I look over my shoulder to see her sticking her tongue out, trying to catch snowflakes. I wouldn't say Soarynn is crazy , that's a little too forward. I believe Mother likes to use the phrase, " mentally augmented at times of distress ."

Soarynn is rarely ever in distress, but when she is, reality becomes a tough concept for her to understand. Kind of like hearing snowfall, that's a very hard concept to understand.

"You know we need to head back soon," I say, feeling a little guilty for reminding her.

We go home today.

In one hour to be precise.

Not that I'm counting.

I'm just very excited to get a jump start on becoming President and killing Father. Simple as that.

If I could do it all from District Four I would. But I can't, so we're going back to the Capitol whether Soarynn likes it or not. "You're sure I can't bury you in the snow?" Soarynn asks, and I shoot her a glare, "For the tenth time, no."

We must have done every snow-related activity today. We went sledding, made snow angels, and snowmen, had a snowball fight, and attempted to build a snow fort and Soarynn ate a lot of snow. The Mayor was pretty busy today, we had him join us for breakfast and that's where he pointed us in the direction of the field where we would run around and frolic.

It was adorable watching Soarynn run around in the snow. She looked so cute in her pink snow clothes today, her hair braided in two pigtails that stuck out from under her hat and scarf. My own outfit today was quite similar to hers, I was dressed in a dark red, and the moment I saw it I was reminded of Soarynn's dress she wore to the Reaping.

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