Chapter 41. Diamond of the Capitol

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No one prepares you for the smell. Not that the Capitol smells like sunshine and roses, but the combined smell of thousands of smelly, unwashed, unkempt people can build up and really attack your sense of smell.

We pulled into the station at six, the train coming to a slow stop, I figured we'd have a few more minutes to sleep, but Eudora was already banging on all of our doors, "Time to get this show on the road!" she called as she made her way down the hall. I groaned, sitting up to find Soarynn burrowed under the covers, "Wake up sleepy head," I say, gently nudging her leg with my foot, she groaned, "It's too early for this shit," she mumbled, popping her head out.

She had a serious case of bedhead, my curls probably didn't look much better. We could hear the Prep Team slowly emerging from their rooms, "I'll see you soon," I said to her as our door slid open revealing four sleep-deprived Prep Team members. She nodded, slipping out of bed and walking down the hall with them.
Not wanting to rely on District One's idea of breakfast, I helped myself to a lovely spread of waffles, sausage, and orange juice, looking out the window to see Peacekeepers and townspeople alike running around the station.

There were a few photographers, the people back home would want to keep up with us during the Victory Tour, so photos getting on and off the train were expected. Mother made her way to the dining car, dressed in a blinged-out jumpsuit, with actual diamonds in her oversized headband. "Keeping it casual today," I noted, she scoffed, "Someone has to show these people what true fashion is," she said, reaching over me for a muffin. Father came in, wearing a gray sweater with dark gray slacks, I'd probably be wearing the same thing myself.

Eudora flew in, decked out in her own shiny silver outfit, "Coriolanus, go get dressed, Soarynn should be done soon," I nodded, stuffing another sausage in my mouth before heading back to the bedroom. Eudora had laid out my daywear, a dark gray sweater with a button-up to wear underneath, along with light gray slacks and black dress shoes. I'd basically look like the slightly younger version of my Father, great. The outfits were really about the ladies though, I walked back into the dining car to find Soarynn eating breakfast while standing up, not that she could really sit with that outfit.

She was wearing a silver dress, short but not too provocative, it looked very shiny, covered in what looked like little silver beads and it looked like she could poke someone's eye out too. The shoulders were pointy, and the neckline had a built-in choker around her neck, she looked like she was suffocating. "You look lovely," I said to her, she raised her eyebrows, "I don't feel lovely," she said. Mother gasped, "Darling! That is couture, you look fabulous," she assured her, but I didn't have time to talk, the Preps practically kidnapped me, shoving me into the clothing car where they had set up a makeshift makeup studio.

They didn't do much, granted, I didn't need much done, but a little concealer and blush can go a long way. As they were making me look beautiful, the ladies were chattering about how excited they were for today, "I heard the food is going to be amazing," Imogen said, "I heard we're touring the training facilities," Lavender whispered, "I heard we're all anyone's been talking about back in the Capitol," Jadis said excitedly. We had only just left, but I wasn't surprised that people were already talking about our Tour. In fact, Lucky had started a whole new segment on his show, covering our progress across the country.

And guess what he called it, "The Tour of Our Lives", I can't make this up.

Once Olympia gave me the nod of approval, I shot out of the car, ready to get the hell off of this train and get this Tour over with.

Eudora had us all line up, Mother and Father first, then herself, then the Preps, then me and Soarynn. The fanfare began to play as our procession made its way out, quite a few people had gathered on the platform to welcome us, providing a polite applause. "Are you ready?" I ask, looking down at Soarynn who looked white as a ghost, she nodded, grabbing my hand in hers, "As long as I have you with me," she murmured.

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