Chapter 66. Man of the House

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I was given a thunderous applause as I waved to the crowd.

President Snow. Finally.

I glanced down at the private seating section to see Sejanus and his family clapping, along with the Preps and Lucky who had yet again, brought sparklers. The crowd began to chant my name, Father's name long forgotten, " CORIOLANUS, CORIOLANUS, CORIOLANUS, CORIOLANUS. CORIOLANUS! "

I was basking in the cheers when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I turned, expecting to see the Chief Justice, but it was Soarynn. I smiled, as she hugged me, drawing an ever louder applause as we embraced. "You did it Coryo," she whispered, holding onto me so tight.

I held her with the same grip, "You're safe now," I whispered, glad this nightmare was finally over.

We pulled away from the hug only for me to pull her in for a kiss which got the crowd going . The Chief Justice was still standing next to me, smiling as he watched our loving embrace, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce your new First Lady, Soarynn Snow." Soarynn smiled into the kiss, only pulling away to wave to the crowd who waved back.

Then something strange happened, cheers of my name began to change into cheers for Soarynn.


Had this been any other event I would've been right there with them cheering her on, but this was about me .

With Father gone, I had no competition. But as I watched Soarynn wave to the crowd who cried out her name, I was beginning to wonder if I had unknowingly developed another competitor. I glanced behind me to see Mother and Eudora rushing over to give me a hug, but it was Father who caught my eye. Still in his chair, listening to the crowd chant Soarynn's name rather than mine, he raised his eyebrows as if he expected this all along.

I clenched my jaw, turning my attention to Mother who threw herself onto me, "Oh my darling! You did so well, I'm so proud of you!" She cried, mascara running down her face. I smiled, "Thank you, Mother, I couldn't have done it without you," I said, "or Eudora," I added, earning me a smug look.

"You're absolutely right dear," Eudora said, waving to the crowd. I felt Soarynn grab my hand and I gave it a squeeze. "Now that all of that is taken care of, why don't we head downstairs to take some photographs?" Eudora asked, although we all knew better than to know that it wasn't a question, it was a statement. I nodded, "Of course Eudora."


The photographs took forever. There were so many people I had to pose with. Some people I knew, lots of them worked at the Peace Corps. Some people I didn't know but I had a feeling that they'd be essential to my long reign over Panem. Soarynn and I of course took a million photos, "LET'S SEE THE BABY BUMP!" One photographer yelled.

Soarynn smiled up at me, there was no way you could tell she was pregnant in this dress, but to know that people were eager to see the bump made my heart swell with pride. Eudora must've been in half the shots accidentally as she fussed over us constantly, "I will not let the new President and First Lady of Panem have flyaways," she insisted, smoothing down my hair.

Still, we smiled for every camera.

Then came the interviews, and there were a lot of interviews. We took most of them on the Avenue itself, just as we had for the photos. "Coriolanus, you've just become President of the most powerful nation of all time, what will be your first decree?"

I nodded, looking down at Soarynn who had glued herself to my side after the pictures. "I think my goal will be to make Panem a better place, for everyone," I replied. "Which shouldn't be hard considering the state in which things have been left," I added, pulling a laugh from the reporter. I answered some more questions, all of them being relatively about the same thing. I knew that Lucky would save his questions for his own interview.

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