Chapter 27. Take a Breath

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The rain started back up immediately. Of course, it did. I hope these Game Makers are disappointed in the little stunt that they just pulled. My Father may not care, but I do. And once I'm President, I'm gunning down everyone who works in this room. I don't know why these people think they're performing something as serious as open heart surgery, but they're not, and someone needs to tell them that.

The screen cut from Soarynn and Jessup to Lucky Flickerman who was animatedly talking to the viewers at home, "Looks like things are heating up in the arena folks! Let's check in to see how Cleo and Beckett are dealing with this heat wave!" Lets not. I turn away from the screen and shoot Maybe-Aslen the nastiest look I can manage before storming out of the control room, brushing past my Father who doesn't even attempt to stop me or console me.

I get that he hates me, but he didn't care one bit when he saw his own daughter die on screen. And I bet my money that the Mayor back in Twelve cared when he was watching that scene unfold, I almost want to send him my condolences. I walk out of the control room lab building, where everything Hunger Games is created, and walk towards our car, ripping the door open and flopping into the backseat. "Take me back home," I say to the driver as I slam the door shut.

I couldn't give a shit about my Father right now, he can walk back home for all I care. The Avox driver nods and begins to drive me home, we drive by the Viewing Plaza where I see several people collapsed and crying on the floor as they watch a replay of the forest fire. Mother can't be doing much better.
I'm proved right when I walk into the living room to find everyone in absolute hysterics, Mother is crying so hard that her mascara is running, Eudora is trying to hold it together but she keeps fanning her eyes, and Soarynn's Prep Team? I think they might have to be sedated.

Mother finally notices me, "Coriolanus! Oh darling, did you see it? Are you alright?" She runs over, embracing me, and for once, I return the hug. "Yes, I'm fine," I say, looking up at the ceiling. Now I might start crying. She pulls away and takes in my face as I take in hers, she looks like a raccoon that lost in a fight. "Do I look like I've been crying?" She asks. "No," I tell her, walking towards the sofa to sit down. I grab a half-full glass of champagne sitting on the table and down it in one sip. "Where is your Father Coriolanus?" Eudora asks, watching me reach for another glass, "The control room," I reply.

I hear the Prep Team gasp, unable to believe he's not here, seeking comfort from our family. Well, that makes one of us, I think, taking another sip of champagne. "Oh, tell me you didn't see the whole thing," Mother says as she walks over to the sofa, sitting next to me. I look at her, and for once, I truly feel bad for her. It must be horrible to watch one of your children fight for their life and the other slowly become a horrible person in their own special way. Nothing another party can't fix.

I nod, "I saw the whole thing," I tell her, watching as her eyes well up again, "And what did your Father say?" She asks before reaching for a tissue. "He said nothing," I said bitterly, it might be childish to throw him under the bus, but I don't quite care about his reputation anymore. Eudora gasps, "What do you mean nothing Coriolanus?" She asks, I look over at her, she's wearing a green sparkly dress, with hair and lashes to match. She looks like a sparkly patch of grass. "I tried to stop the Game Makers from sounding off the cannon while Jessup brought her back to life," I say, looking at the television which is currently showing Cleo and Beckett watching as the fire begins to die down from the rain.

Mother shakes her head, "I'm sure he's talking to them right now," she assures me, "He'll be sure to fire that Head Game Maker." Or I will, I think, "The hologram stunt was horrible," I tell her, her lip quivers and she nods, "It was a terrible thing to do to her," she agrees. At least someone in this family has some sort of empathy. Jadis gasps and I turn to see that Soarynn and Jessup are back on screen. Soarynn is coughing up a storm, wrapped up in a sleeping bag while Jessup runs around the cave like a madman looking for anything to help her. He has some pretty bad burns on his face, but it seems that his clothes saved him from the brunt of the fire.

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