Chapter 6. Surrender

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"Who was the first District to surrender during the war?" Has her hair always looked this way in the sunlight? I wonder. "Hellooo, earth to Coryo, what District surrendered first?" Sejanus asks for the second time, it's not that I'm trying to ignore him, I had a rough night. I woke up in my bathtub so at least I was able to conquer the stairs. I, unfortunately, haven't conquered the massive hangover currently looming over my head. Who has time to study when the world is still spinning? I'm currently sitting at the edge of a picnic table bench in the Academy courtyard while we all wait for the first bell to ring. I pray it doesn't so we can all go home and recover. 

I'm just about to resume staring at the back of Soarynn's head when I'm shoved off my seat and whip my head around to see Sejanus taking off towards the lawn. Grinning, I stand up sprinting past the table of giggling girls as I chase him down. Sejanus might be fast, but I'm much faster and catch up to him within seconds, tackling him and taking us both down. Gasping for air he rolls over to his side, " ... .District surrendered...first?" He finally gets out, I roll my eyes but humor him, "District Eleven was the first to surrender," I say, closing my eyes. "Actually it was Thirteen if you're being technical," he says dusting off his slacks, "If you count being bombed to death a surrender, then yes, I suppose they were the first," I reply. Once Eleven surrendered it was a slow crawl to the finish line, but once Two and One surrendered, it was all over. "I think I drank too much," he says, clutching his stomach, that makes two of us, I think. It's safe to say none of our classmates rolled in today looking their Capitol best, but it's the thought that counts. 

"Well if you start feeling nauseous go to the nurse," I say giving him the side eye, "I don't need you throwing up on my new shoes." I roll over next to him, letting the sun kiss our faces, and am rudely interrupted when someone blocks the sun from our view. I crack an eye open to see Soarynn looking rather unimpressed at the both of us lying on the grass, hands on her hips. "So kind of you to join us this morning," Sejanus says with a smile, Soarynn rolls her eyes, "I'm surprised you two have the energy to run around considering how much you drank after the fireworks," she says. Is it such a crime to have a good time with friends? "We were drinking in your honor," I say with a smile, reaching my hand out for her to help me up. She quirks her eyebrow before taking my hand and hauling me off the grass and does the same for Sejanus. "It's not my fault your Mother insists on providing a different flavored alcohol with every course," Sejanus whines, it's true, our Mother loves any excuse to drink.

 I'm dusting off my slacks when I notice a bruise forming on her lower calf, "What happened to your leg?" I ask her. Did someone hurt her? Did she get into a fight? Who do I need to torture? "Oh I banged my leg when I was getting out of the tub this morning," she says, brushing her hair behind her ears, at least someone in this family was able to take a bath this morning. "Do you think you'll be able to participate in today's lessons with that severe of an injury?" Sejanus asks sarcastically, Soarynn in return rolls her eyes at him and starts walking back to the tables. "Yes, I think I can manage Mr. Plinth, but thank you for your concern," she says with a smirk. We follow behind her grabbing our bags as the first bell rings.

As schooling goes, I've got this in the bag. It's my last year at the Academy before University, will I miss it? Absolutely not. I mean sure, it's nice to see my friends, to see Soarynn, and talk to my Professors but I'm ready for bigger, better things. Like running this country, I think to myself as I sit at my lab table next to Soarynn. Our regular Professor, Dr. Gaul is thankfully preoccupied with preparing for the upcoming Games. So instead we have Professor Clay whose idea of science is mixing random liquids in vials until something explodes. It's happened before. Today he announces we're going to be watching a film about the science behind the Hunger Games–for the fifth time this month–which in return causes almost all the students put their heads on their desks trying to recover from last night. Soarynn does the same, burying her head in her arms trying to catch up on some much-needed sleep. 

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