Chapter 67. Pushing My Luck

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For the first time in a very, very long time, I enjoyed myself.

I enjoyed sitting in my study, kicking my feet up on the desk as I read through the letter Soarynn's dad had given me once more. He was right, I was the man of the house now. Although I don't think he expected me to have my Father dragged out of the house in the middle of the night.

I eventually made my way upstairs to the bedroom. A small pang of guilt bounced around in my chest when I passed Mother and Father's room, knowing that my Mother was sound asleep, not a clue in the world that her husband wouldn't be slipping into bed tonight. At least Soarynn didn't have to worry about that problem. I strolled into our bedroom, pleased to see her wearing a black silk nightgown.

She was sitting in bed, hunched over a sketchpad, deep in focus. I admired her for a moment, it looked like she had taken her makeup off, her skin looked more raw and real. She had pinned up her hair in some haphazard ponytail, a few pieces falling in her face as she drew. "What're you drawing, sweet thing?" I asked, causing her to jump.

She gave me a nervous smile, holding the sketchpad against her chest, "Nothing," she said sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

I raised my eyebrow as I began to take off my tie. "You sure about that?"

Soarynn bit her lip before nodding, "Mhm, it's absolutely nothing. Did you like the letter my dad sent you?"

She was changing the subject but I'd let her have this one. "Yes, I'll have to write him back, it'll be a while until I have to pay him a visit." Soarynn hummed, leaning over to pull open the bedside table's drawer, and tucking in her sketch pad. "Mother wanted to know if we wanted to do a classic white rose or pink and blue roses for the gender reveal party," Soarynn said, giving me a knowing look.

It felt like Mother was more excited for the baby than we were. I smirked as I kept undressing myself, my suit jacket, then my button-up shirt. I didn't miss how Soarynn was eyeing me up and down. "Let's go with pink and blue, I think we used up our entire white rose supply for the wedding," I said, pulling the white rose from my lapel and placing it on the bedside table.

Soarynn hummed, "That's what I thought, I think my dress is going to be blue if you want to wear something pink."

I unbuckled my belt, letting it fall to the floor, "Oh so now you're team boy?"

Soarynn scoffed, "Well I already wore a pink dress today," she explained, "so it's only fair for me to wear a blue dress." I nodded as I walked into the bathroom, "And don't forget about Lucky's interview!"

I heard Soarynn groan as I turned on the sink, neither of us was too thrilled about another interview with Lucky. But we had to do what we had to do.

I made quick work of washing my face, thank goodness I didn't have any breakouts, today was not the day for that. I glanced at my wristwatch, it was almost midnight. It's amazing how much you can accomplish in one day. I heard soft footsteps approaching the bathroom as I was brushing my teeth, I glanced in the mirror to see Soarynn, and she had let her hair down.

I watched with a careful eye as she walked towards me, a bit of a sultry look in her eye that I wasn't too used to seeing. She came up next to me, resting her hand on the waistband of my pants, "I finally get to have you to myself," she whispered before crouching down. I almost choked on my toothbrush when she pulled my zipper down, only fumbling with the button for a moment before she pulled my pants down.

I spit my toothpaste into the sink before turning towards her, "Soary—"

"Don't you want me Coryo?" She asked so innocently like she wasn't on her knees in front of me.

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