Cyno [✩/♡]

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The sensation of death was not foreign to him

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The sensation of death was not foreign to him.

Lying in the plethora of darkness, Cyno sat idly waiting for his next life to occur once more. For how many times has he experienced the continuous cycle of life and death? Too many to count, yet the female materializing before him would always hold the answer to that very question.

"I don't...I don't know how much longer I can watch you do this."

His ivory hair fell to his sides as he looked away, golden eyes gleaming with unspoken apologies. By some miraculous circumstance, the male was gifted -- or was he cursed? -- with immortality. It wasn't exactly the typical concept of immortality written out in fictional stories; more like a gift of reincarnation, to relive a different life and do it over, and over, and over, and over...

"You know I can't stop. Not now."


In his first life, he had held an occupation of a matra, or more specifically the General Mahamatra. Perhaps his sense of justice had first stemmed from the very beginning, capturing people who dedicated themselves to a life of crime and evil, purging them with the justice and good that he firmly believed in.

His life had been, unfortunately, cut short due to an overwhelming opponent -- or opponents to be more specific. It was not long until he took his final breath, opening his eyes to greet the empty void he was in now.

The first time he woke up, he felt a sense of...peace. Not a trace of anything was seen miles and miles ahead. He thought of it as his own limbo; just simple darkness, simple peace, and simple silence surrounding him.

But he was not alone for long, and soon greeted by a cloaked figure holding a misty object in the semblance of a scythe. They took several steps back upon the sight of himself, slowly pulling down their hood with a shocked yet fearful expression on their face.

"You...what are you...?"

He simply tilted his head in confusion. Was he not supposed to be here? Who was this woman? Was this not the afterlife?

However, it was not long before the two ended up sitting down over a cup of tea, which materialized before the two with a snap of her fingers. It was...unusual, sharing a cup of tea with a stranger not soon after he had died in his previous life.

" died in your previous life, and next thing you know you ended up in this void?" The figure sums up his quick explanation, a hand on their chin. "And you still remember everything you did back then?"

Cyno gave them a curt nod, sipping on his tea in content. It was a weird sensation to consume something after death, especially knowing that he did not have a physical body as of now. Where did the tea go after consumption? He really didn't want to ponder upon such a question.

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