Childe [✩/♡]

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Did you...die?

You felt cold.

All of your senses were muted with the exception of feeling the frigidity of your surroundings. You weren't sure which was north or south, or whether you still retained your limbs after death. felt?

Before you could truly process your situation, you felt a sudden pull, your entire body being jerked in an unknown direction. You failed to resist due to your dazed state, letting yourself be pulled by the invisible force that was leading you to who-knows-where.

You were welcomed with a sudden gust of wind, causing your body to tremble. You slowly began opening your eyes, noticing a blanket of white underneath you.

"M-Mom! There's...Mom!"

The cry of a child entered your ears, desperately seeking their mother after the frightening event of catching a person instead of a fish.

You involuntarily turned over, throwing up the contents of your stomach onto the ground along with a concerning amount of water. You hunched over on your knees, clutching your stomach as you continued to cough. You fell back down onto your side, eyeing your red fingertips with fatigue.

"Teucer why are you-!" You could hear the faint voice of a woman followed by the crunching of snow, an audible gasp coming from her lips. "Oh my goodness!"

The footsteps got even more rapid, and you could hear them get closer in your direction. You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, gently turning you over to inspect your well-being.

"Dear, are you alright!? Can you hear me?" The gentle voice called out, attempting to cradle you in their arms.

You felt their hand brush across your face, attempting to bring back your wet hair to clearly see your face. Your chapped lips barely opened to form a response, instead a violent cough exiting your system.

"Teucer, go get your brother, will you?" You quietly watched the blurred face speak to someone behind her, struggling to stay awake. The woman soon turned back towards you as the sound of a pair of hastily feet faded away.

"You're going to be alright dear..." Her motherly touch soothed you, making you forget about your previous pains and the cold. "Oh, how terrible it must've been..."

The last thing you felt was being lifted by a pair of big arms, gently holding you as a blanket was draped over your body. Their conversation slowly blended into the background, and it wasn't long until you fell into slumber once more.



All you could feel was warmth as you peeled your eyes open once more. You were slow to wake up, lazily eyeing your surroundings without a sense of urgency a normal person would've felt in an unfamiliar environment.

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