Kaeya [♡]

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                                      !Part 2!

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                                      !Part 2!

"I want you to write a letter for me."

Stunned silence was all he received, and Kaeya couldn't help but shift nervously at your lack of response. It was unusual for him to lose his confidence in such a manner, but when it came to even the thought of you, he couldn't help but lose his calm demeanor.

"A letter?" You finally responded with a clear of your throat, recovering from the earlier shock.

"Exactly so."

Kaeya pulled a chair from the desk in front of you, sitting down face-to-face, placing his elbows on your desk and leaning against his intertwined hands.

"Well, since you know about the...letters." You started, a part of you wanting to recoil away in embarrassment. "You should know about the payment, yes?"

Kaeya gave you a simple smile, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"How about I suggest a different kind of payment?"


Dressing up for an amusement park was not on your initial weekend plans.

You didn't know why you accepted his offer, but nonetheless you were rather regretting your decisions as you stood by the entrance alone. Playing with the hem of your clothes, you awkwardly looked away from the people walking into the park, swiping back and forth from the screen of your phone.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting!"

You looked up from your phone, eyes widening at the sight of Kaeya running towards you with a blinding smile. You attempted to suppress the heat creeping up your neck, shaking away the thoughts in your head. This was simply part of the exchange, nothing else.

"It's alright." You assured him, finally walking in through the entrance together. It was odd, walking through the amusement park with someone you never thought you would even hold a conversation with.

"Anyways, you haven't told me who the letter wa-"

"Let's go on that ride!"


Before you could retaliate further, Kaeya grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you along to the rollercoaster ride not far away. Unfortunately for you, the line was not long enough to convince him to go back, and soon enough the two of you were sitting side-by-side with the safety bar secured in front of the both of you.

Did you mention you were absolutely not good with rollercoasters?

It wasn't long before Kaeya noticed the terrified look in your eyes, your grip on the bars tighter than normal.

"You...alright?" Kaeya asked uncertainly, looking towards you with a concerned smile.

"Y...eah." Your voice was barely above a whisper, and you didn't dare look up as you felt the ride begin to move.

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