Scaramouche [✩]

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The area was an absolute bloodbath—the bodies of fallen subordinates littered the ground, some meeting their end with a quick and merciful strike, while some held visible evidence of the perpetrator's violence.

"The Tsaritsa requires your presence, Balladeer."

The prison cage—open.

He curled his fingers into a tight fist, infuriated—yet, unfazed by the sight before him.

"Don't keep her waiting now."

His open palm curated a sphere of concentrated energy, throwing it towards the direction of the voice with heaving breaths.

The collision of the energy and some poor side of the wall echoed in a loud explosion, indicating that he had missed his initial target.

"Careful now." The voice spoke from the shadows, hidden carefully from his anger. "You could get punished for worse if you killed me."

"Is this your doing?" He spoke with poison on his tongue.

His delusion crackled with electricity in reflection of his ever-growing anger. Another sphere of concentrated energy formed on his palm, ready to aim.

"Answer me!"

Perhaps those fallen subordinates were more fortunate to have died earlier.

"Don't keep her majesty waiting, 6th." The voice replies, ignoring his accusations.

"Tsk." He clicked his tongue in annoyance, lowering his arm as he glared into the shadows.

"Come back so soon?" He asked, tone less aggressive as he calmed himself down. He was greeted by silence, however, which elicited another click of his tongue.

"The mission was simple." The voice finally responds, sounding somewhat amused at his restraint.

Scaramouche began to make his way through the prison hall, a figure approaching and walking by his side as he made his way towards the exit.

"Lead the way."



The palace was colder than usual, the silence contributing to the chill in the air.

"A successful escape by our dear friend." You reported, burning the scroll in your hand with your vision. You spare a glance towards the Balladeer before facing the archon.

"None survived."

"A fatal blunder." The archon responded, crossing one leg over the other. Her gaze turned over towards the one responsible for the incident. "You understand the consequences, yes?"

He nodded.

"Good." The archon waved a hand in the air, dismissing the harbinger. "You may leave."

Without even a bow, Scaramouche left without a word, not bothering with even an ounce of politeness as he slammed the door closed.

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