Xiao [✩]

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To his first name, you were his enemy

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To his first name, you were his enemy.

The battlefield was unusually peaceful that evening—albeit the screams of dying villagers and the crackle of the growing flames were not what you would consider to be present in such tranquil nights.

Alatus watched in silence, the polearm gripped tightly in his hand. The jade shone ominously within the light of the flames, the eyes of his mask illuminating a dark teal under the moonlight.

He continued to stare, completely unamused, towards the attempt of escape by the villagers. The people screamed as they witnessed their loved ones getting crushed under the burning rubble, as they caught on the inextinguishable fire and desperately watched themselves turn into ashes.

But Alatus spared no sentiments.

"Rex Lapis won't be very happy with my report today."

With a quick turn of his weapon, Alatus did not hesitate to place the tip of his jade spear against the throat of another.

He glared towards the masked figure before him, guard completely up and ready to drive his weapon through their heart if necessary.

"You speak of the God of Contracts." Alatus spoke cautiously, his pointed spear unwavering.

"I'm surprised you didn't kill me on the spot." The masked figure spoke, almost carefreely, as she pushed away the tip of the weapon with a finger.

"Depending on your next words, I might throw you in the flames like the rest of the villagers."

"Oh? Is that what that evil god told you to do?" She tilted her head to the side in amusement, unafraid by his obviously executable threat.

"You speak ill of my master?" His glare seemed to narrow even further, his spear drawing closer to your skin.

"I never said the evil god was your master, did I?"

Alatus clicked his tongue at the statement, bringing his spear down and holding it by his side instead.

"What business do you have here?" He turned towards the chaotic sight behind him. The screams and flames had eventually died down, leaving the sound of singing crickets and rustling leaves in the wake of imminent terror.

"If your intention was to...save your people, it seems you're a bit too late for that."

At his obvious statement, he heard a suppressed laugh from the masked woman behind him. His brows furrowed in confusion under his mask, the reaction completely unexpected.

"They've damned the seven for a while." She simply stated. "If anything, you've done me a favor."


His lack of response evoked a dry chuckle from her lips. "You make it seem like I'm the one who killed them off."

"Why would Rex Lapis hold such sinister intentions?" Alatus finally asked, ignoring her previous statement.

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