Venti [♡]

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This was not the first time you entered the classroom littered with bruises

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This was not the first time you entered the classroom littered with bruises.

You made your way over to your desk, the entire classroom falling silent as their eyes watched your figure since entering. You awkwardly fixed your dirtied uniform, bringing a cardigan over your shoulders to hide the ruined clothes.

The teacher cleared his throat, resuming the lesson as he eyed you with a raised brow, a knowing expression in his face. You simply rolled your eyes and looked away, annoyed by the thought of having to have another one of those conversations with him again.

Suddenly, you felt someone lean closer next to you, tapping on your shoulder as they whispered into your ear.

"What do you want, Venti?"

Venti ignored your harsh attitude, asking his question. "Did you get into another fight?"

Another. Of course, that was your reputation around the school. The high school delinquent, thirsty for fights and always looking to cause trouble. Some of the students created a rumor that you were part of a gang before coming into school, or even the mafia.

Which, oddly enough, sounded kind of cool to you.

But, by all means, people rarely see you in a positive light. Most of them speak ill of you behind your back, or even fear that they might be your next target. You didn't mind it all that much, since you didn't have to talk to anyone in the school this way.

Except for him.

"They were being annoying." You bluntly stated, swatting away his curious poking. In fact, you weren't even lying about it; those kids were picking on some random guy in the hallway, and their loud nonsense annoyed you.

Of course, you didn't bother telling Venti the full story. Frankly, you just couldn't care enough to do so.

"You can't just go and beat around random kids cause they annoy you, [name]." Venti responded to your cold tone with a pout.

"Well, I can and I did, didn't I?" You rolled your eyes, this time pinching his cheeks to stop him from inquiring further. "Besides, shouldn't you be paying attention? What are you scolding 'lil 'ol me for?"

You continue to squeeze his cheeks further, his pout extending and causing his expression to become more distorted. You let out a snort at the sight, finally releasing his oddly soft cheeks.

"Class is boring, and besides..."


You look towards him with a raised brow, repeating his trailing sentence. Venti simply looks away, both his hands cupped over his mouth.

You let out another sigh, only slightly feeling guilty for making the male worry. "I'll get you some apples later. Happy?"

At the offer, he nods eagerly, his aqua eyes seemingly glittering at the thought of his favorite food.

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