Kazuha [♡]

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"What!? I am not staying with him

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"What!? I am not staying with him."

Zhongli stared down at you with crossed arms, leaning against his chair with a sigh. You were currently being held after school for a 'talk' with the said teacher, sitting on the opposite side of his desk with crossed arms of your own. Next to you was a familiar platinum blond, who was sitting awkwardly in his seat as he watched you argue with the adult.

"It's either this or we try alternative measures, [name]." Zhongli raised his brow, giving you a chance to retaliate.

"..." You looked away, struggling to come up with a response. You knew he was being generous enough, but being stuck with the goody-two-shoes wasn't something you wanted to do.

"I, um..." Kazuha finally spoke up, catching Zhongli's attention.

"Ah, my sincere apologies. I believe I haven't explained to you what's going on." He spoke, fixing his posture with a clear of his throat. "I have decided that perhaps you'd be a...good influence on our young [name] here."

"I do not need 'good influence.'"

Zhongli cleared his throat once more, and you were quickly silenced with a groan. He was one of very few teachers that you somewhat respected in the building, and you'd at least...hear him out, in a way.

"Anyways, I believed that you, our best student, could be of help." Zhongli concluded, a small smile on his face.

"I...see." Kazuha blinked in thought, looking back and forth from Zhongli and your slouched form. "Well, if a fellow student of mine needs help, I am not against providing my aid."

Zhongli gave him a grateful smile, rising from his seat. "Well then, I thank you, young Kaedehara."

"Thank you, young Kaedehara." You mocked under your breath, standing up to leave. "I don't need your influence, Kaedehara."

The two males watched you leave, Kazuha giving you a sheepish stare and Zhongli letting out another tired sigh. He turned towards the child in front of him, giving him a bit of reassurance regarding your behavior. "She just has a hard time opening up to others. She may act, ah...rebellious, but she's a good kid at heart."

He patted Kazuha on the shoulders, giving him a smile. "I'm sure she'll come around."


It was awkward, so to speak.

The two of you were walking side-by-side to your classrooms, since, to your unfortunate realization, the two of you shared almost all of your classes for the day. You let out your umpteenth sigh of the day, turning towards the blond next to you with a glare. Kazuha stood nervously as he stayed silent, watching you stare him down.

"Is something on my face?" He asked, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips.

You continued to stay silent at his question, making him more nervous by each passing second. Finally, you let out your loudest sigh of all, turning away and opening the classroom door with a singular warning.

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