Kazuha [✩]

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Dead people cannot dream

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Dead people cannot dream.

If there was one thing Kazuha knew without a doubt, it was this very fact. Dead people cannot dream, they do not dream, and they will never dream. The body becomes non-functional, and the subconscious simply stops working.

Yet the view of his local park with numerous people -- people he recognized -- going on about their day said otherwise.

He was sure he was on his deathbed seconds ago, surrounded by his friends, family, and...and her. The dooming beeps of the heart monitor attached to his arm, the smell of medicine and mint in the atmosphere, and the pristine white of the hospital that made up his view; it had all been real, his illness had been real, and his death had been the realist of all.

But the sunny view before him seemed even realer.

His view was, however, skewed in a way. Everything seemed more large, towering over him as he took uncertain steps onto the blades of grass. He took in his surroundings with awe-filled eyes, looking down to examine the field when his eyes widened upon seeing his hands.

Or more specifically, his paws.

He let out a noise of shock, which scared him even further as he heard a silent 'meow' escape his mouth instead of a gasp. What was happening? What had happened? Surely he was currently in a dream? Him, a cat?

But he was even more sure about the death he had experienced on the hospital bed, feeling his breath become shallow by the second, his sight becoming enveloped by darkness, and the voices of everyone he held dear to him.

Her cries.

But dead people cannot dream...

Could they?


That night coming back home, you dreamt.

You dreamt of a time when your lover was alive; healthy and smiling, holding you in his arms as both of you shared time together. The two of you, sharing small smiles and laughing with eyes gleaming with joy.

Sweet, sweet dreams.

The unfortunate sound of your alarm brought you back into unfair reality, the side of your pillow wet with your tears. To say you were heartbroken would be the least of accurate descriptions that could possibly express the turmoil of emotions making your chest squeeze in pain.

You wanted to drown in your own tears, to suffocate in your blanket and never step foot off of the mattress of your bed. But you had responsibilities to attend to today and errands to run for your family since both of your parents were already busy with their 24 hour shifts.

You finally managed to get yourself out of bed, staring blankly into the mirror as you attempted to blink away your tears once more. You couldn't think, you couldn't talk, you couldn't move. It hurt too much, like a million knives stabbing and pulling away from your heart.

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