Lyney [♡]

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Quickly covering his mouth, you look around the library in fear, a shiver running down your spine upon making eye contact with the librarian. Giving her a quick mumble of apology, you turn your attention back towards your loud companion and give him a glare.

"Be more quiet!" You whisper-yelled, only removing your hand once you received a nod of agreement.

"Kiss!?" Lyney repeats dramatically, eyes wide and jaw practically dropping to the floor.

"Well, it is Romeo and Juliet..." You state as a matter-of-factly. However, Lyney simply stares you down with a deadpan expression, eliciting a sigh from your mouth. "C'mon Lyn, aren't you happy for me at least?"

The said male looks away with a grimace, suddenly filled with guilt. Perhaps he should've congratulated you for getting one of the lead roles first instead of being so dramatic about...that scene.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, and, although low in volume, you could tell he was being genuine. "Honestly, the lead role as Juliet? You never cease to amaze me."

You take his hand gently, looking up at his downcast eyes with a smile. "Thanks, Lyney."

Goodness, did they turn up the heater in the library?

"A-Anyway, do you really, y'know...have to..."

With another sigh, you release your hand from his. "It's part of the play. And besides! It's only for, like, three seconds."

Three seconds too long. Lyney couldn't help but think glumly.

If he had known such a scene existed, he would've tried for the casting of Romeo in a heartbeat—usually the school leaves out things like that, so how could he have known they would do it this year?!

But alas, he was simply someone part of the stage crew—which, at least, let him see you more often after school.

He's completely satisfied with the quality time you both spend together!


"Whose Romeo anyway?" Lyney opted to ask, finally—but only somewhat—accepting the situation. He'd be completely fine with you kissing someone else on stage in front of the whole school.


The blond rose a brow, your hesitance filling him with a certain sense of utter doom.

"Aether." You start slowly, a nervous smile on your face. "Aether's Romeo."

Safe to say both of you were kicked from that library.


Lyney had nothing against Aether.

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