Wriothesley [✩]

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"Do you regret being such a forgiving general?"

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"Do you regret being such a forgiving general?"


Your shallow breathing was the only sound that filled the dark room, your bloodied form at the brink of death. You could barely open your eyes as you attempted to look for the source of the voice, only being met with the eroding walls you've accustomed yourself to for the past...how many days?

You leaned back against the electric chair you were forcefully bound to, letting out a weak laugh in response.


You barely flinched at the sound of the metallic door opening and the loud slam of the exit that followed after. Staring up weakly, you met eyes with the man you called your sworn enemy.

You watched silently as he took a seat in front of you. Two other men stood idly by the door of your prison, waiting for further instructions from their leader.

"Take your leave."

The soldiers gave their solutes before marching out through the exit, closing and making sure to lock the door behind them.

"General Wriothesley."

You muttered with a small smile, words slurring as you leaned your body forward to greet him. "What a pleasant visit from my favorite person, hm?"

Silence greeted your sarcastic sentiments, and you didn't bother to look back up to see the expression on his face upon seeing your battered form.

"Tell us where the northern base is hidden."

His nonchalant tone elicited a dry chuckle from your lips. "I think I've already told you my answer."

"Your so called...friends." Wriothesley leaned forward closer to your ear. "...of the northern base sold you out."

Wriothesley stared down at you with watchful eyes, waiting for any sort of reaction from you.

"That's why you're here." He opted to continue regardless of your silence. You would break soon. You had to break soon. "I know you know where they are, General [name]."

"You can leave once you've told us their location. End your torment, and take revenge on those fools who stabbed your back."


You finally spoke, tone bitter as a cynical smile graced your lips. "The only person worthy of my revenge..."

You raised your head to meet eyes with the male before you, your smile failing to match the teary eyes that accompanied your expression.

"...is you."

Wriothesley's lips pursed his lips upon hearing your response, clearly dissatisfied by the outcome of the conversation.

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