Kazuha [✩]

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You couldn't remember yesterday

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You couldn't remember yesterday.

At first your failing memory wasn't apparent at all; just that slight itch deep beneath your subconsciousness that told you you were missing something. At first it was a thing as simple as your routine done from last week, then who you talked to the day before, then what you ate for breakfast this morning, then...


You let out a sigh of frustration, that itching feeling in your chest telling you to remember, but what good would this feeling do if you didn't know what to remember? What exactly were you...thinking about again?

"What's the matter?"

A sudden melodic voice of a male asked you with worry, noticing your frustration as you sat yourself down next to an otogi tree. Looking up, you saw a pair of crimson eyes stare at you in concern.

"It's..." You started, looking down at your palms with furrowed brows as the male seated himself next to you. "I just...have a feeling that I'm forgetting something. Forgetting a lot of things."

Letting out a hum of understanding, he began to give you a couple of suggestions. "How about we look around Inazuma city together?" He offered a hand as he stood up from his seat on the grass. "Maybe it'll help your memories."

Perhaps you should've been more weary of the stranger who offered you his hand, yet his gentle smile couldn't help but give you a sense of comfort and...familiarity.

Taking his hand, you offered a weary smile. "Where do you suggest we go?"

Pulling you up from your spot, the man gives your hand a gentle squeeze. "How about we stop by for some food?" As if on cue, both of your stomachs let out a grumble of hunger. Letting out a giggle, you responded with a nod.

"I think that's a good idea."

The two of you walked hand in hand towards Kiminami Restaurant. Upon arriving, both of you took a seat on the wooden chairs placed outside, waiting for the employer to take your orders.

"Welcome! I'll have your order."

Skimming through the menu, you bit your bottom lip uncertainly, unable to decide on the food that you wanted to eat. The itching feeling had come back once again, and you wanted so badly to remember whatever your mind wanted you to remember now...

Surprisingly, the male besides you spoke up first, not only beginning to order his own food, but...yours too?

"We'll have the Dry-Braised Salted Fish and the Onigiri please."

You look towards Kazuha with a questioning tilt of your head. He gave you a soft smile in response. "Trust me on this."

You simply gave him a hesitant nod, deciding to follow along with his suggestions for this evening. Once the piping-hot food was served to the two of you, you couldn't help but begin to salivate as the smell of the delicious rice hit your nose. Grabbing onto one of the onigiris on the plate, you eagerly bit into the food.

Letting out a satisfied hum, you closed your eyes as you salvaged the taste, not minding the slight chuckle escaping the lips of the male beside you.

"It's...good. Really good." You simply say, taking another bite. You continued to eat, but the itching feeling persisted, another bite making the feeling grow even stronger. Almost as if...

"I think...I think this was my favorite food." You finally say, fondly looking down at the remaining piece of onigiri.

"Is that so?" The platinum-haired male responded quietly, letting out a hum of acknowledgement.

The two of you finished the rest of your food in comfortable silence, concluding with your reluctance to his offer to pay for the food, but satisfied bellies nonetheless.

"You really didn't have too..." You say again with a sigh, walking side-by-side towards another one of his suggested locations. The knuckles of your hand brushed against his, and each touch caused you to feel that itching sensation once more.

"I insist. And besides, I simply wish to treat the lady." He states, letting out a chuckle. "And look, we're almost here."

The stone path had eventually come to an end as a solitary tori gate seemed to frame the setting sun. The two of you sat down at the edge of the cliff, you watching in awe as the blue skies were quick to bleed a deep orange.

"It's...beautiful." You say with a gaped mouth, eyes wide as you intently drank in the scenery before you. The sitting male besides you simply plastered an amused smile on his face, watching you watch the captivating sight.

"It's a place I come often when I'm missing the wind." He says simply, resting his arm on top of one of his knees. "An amazing view, isn't it?"

His poetic choice of words did nothing but confuse you, but you nodded at his statement nonetheless. The itching feeling returned as you continued to watch the sun say goodbye, the moon and stars now slowly becoming visible in the night.

"Maybe...I've been here before as well." You conclude, softly smiling towards the glimmering skies as the stars reflected from your eyes.

The two of you continued to gaze the stars, looking towards the sky with peaceful expressions, surrounded by the song of the wind and gentle tides. However, you quickly turned towards the stranger who had accompanied you the entire evening, finally realizing that you had never offered your name nor learned his.

"We completely skipped through introductions, didn't we?" You say with a sheepish smile. "I'm [l. name] [name], what's yours?"

You stare into his eyes eagerly, waiting for a response that sounded...sorrowful?

"Kaedehara. Kaedehara Kazuha."

The itching feeling came back, but this time it seemed more like an intense wave of emotions that would've knocked you over if you weren't already seated on the ground. You look away with a smile, albeit a hesitant one, and turn to look back at the stars, repeating the name under your breath.

"Kaedehara Kazuha..."

Unbeknownst to you, Kazuha was gazing at, not the stars, but you; staring with a forlorn expression, a sense of grief buried beneath the gentleness of his eyes.

I'll help you remember. Kazuha swore towards the stars. And we will fall in love a hundred times over if necessary.

Perhaps the stars will finally grant him this simple wish. We wouldn't want you to keep eating onigiri for another week, do we?

 We wouldn't want you to keep eating onigiri for another week, do we?

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Eh, fluffy enough.

Word Count: 1078

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