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"Four masters, the cottage is on fire." The old fourth, who was napping on the mountain wall, was awakened by the people around him.

"Shall we go back and have a look?" everyone clamored.

"Shut up!" The old fourth roared, "Don't move, we must guard this path, otherwise the army will attack and we will be over."

The bandits are honest now. The young guy who was sending the message rushed over from the cottage. "Four masters, it's not good, the granary in the stockade has been burned!"

Everyone suddenly panicked, and the granary was burned. This was a terrible news. You must know that their cottage is easy to defend and difficult to attack by relying on the terrain. After so many years, even the county guard has been bullied by them. But now that the food is gone, it's a starvation to stay here, so it's better to let the officers and soldiers catch them, so that they can still eat in prison.

"Why panic? The big boss is fighting the fire in the stockade. There is so much food and not much to burn." The fourth child still sticks to the narrowest pass on the mountain road, and doesn't allow the young guys to come back for help.

The cottage was chaotic all night, and the camp under the mountain was not moving like a mountain.

Before dawn, Lou Jing got up, dressed in a uniform, standing on a large rock, and seeing two black figures jumping between the mountains and forests from a distance, rushing over quickly.

"Master, all the two granaries in the cottage were burnt, and there was no pellet left." Yun Sandi reported that they poured oil on the grain and it burned cleanly.

"There is a cliff on one side of the cottage. Except for the two downhill roads, there is no secret road," Yun eleven presented the results of the investigation. Before going down a gentle slope."

The two of them climbed in from the cliff by reaching out their hands sharply. If the army wants to invade the cottage, it must pass through that place.

"Very good." Lou Jing nodded slightly and let the two Yunwei go down to rest.

Xiao Chengjun woke up and saw that the place next to him was empty, so he got up and dressed neatly, went out to look for him, and as soon as he left the camp, he met Zhang Rao and Wang Zhi who had come to ask for instructions.

The two of them were all taken aback when they saw the military division coming out of the general's camp, and then they remembered that both Mr. Yen slept with the general! Thinking of this, the expressions of the two suddenly became weird.

Because the emperor can marry male wives in Yu Dynasty, Nanfeng is a kind of noble thing in the eyes of everyone. It is seldom heard by ordinary people. It is only common among high officials and nobles. Therefore, it is two schools for small people. Wei, thinking it was very novel, couldn't help but look at the handsome military instructor a few more times.

"The general is not in the tent." Xiao Chengjun said, raising his foot and leaving.

The two school lieutenants looked at each other and followed quickly.

"Bring out the camp and attack the mountain." Lou Jing looked at the winding road hidden in the forest, and slightly curled his lips.

There is a gloomy cloud in the cottage. Drinking water on the mountain, relying on a spring, also use a large tank to accumulate some rainwater on weekdays to prevent fire. There was a fire in the granary last night, and everyone hurried to the big tank to fetch water, only to find that a gap had been cut under the tank at some point, and the rain had already leaked out.

Picking water from a mountain spring and then extinguishing the fire is nothing short of a drop in the bucket. Everyone has been busy all night without putting out the fire. They watched as the fire had cooked the rice that had not been hulled, and then burned them to ashes. The smell of burning rice, but everyone is hungry.

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