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"Talking" 'Thinking...


Slow. That's how he'd put it. The days we're moving slow and stiles was dragging on and on. He'd disappear to the library to research whatever he felt necessary, evidently leaving with a founder most of the time. And Derek, he's being weird to say the least, he'd purposely be slow in dinner and give up his seat, he'd take up spots a bit closer to the pack and inevitably stiles. While I am worried about him- I mean, he's the closest thing I'll have to a brother, I'm more worried about Derek's involvement. He's an alpha, like myself, but he's getting involved with someone significantly weaker then him. Similar to me, in which I spare a glance to Isaac curled up at the end of the couch intently watching the movie. But Isaac can heal- and stiles can't, not like Isaac.

So slow is how stiles put it. His days, his hours, his torture as he exaggerated and spat. Stiles whined about this and that. He had finally started actually talking to me again. And he and Allison seemed to be having our talks more. The whole -hey-come-here-I-have-something-to-say- look was more so directed to my ex then me. And as lovely as I thought it was that they were getting close I also kinda hate it. Hate. Back to Derek. Not that I hate the man, but he's on his way to pissing me off. Stiles, human stiles, isn't someone I'm going to let him just kiss and make out with and disappear. And Derek doesn't have the best track record, he tells the truth when he says it's dangerous near him. To be close to him.

Some serious words he spoke, it's almost like he's cursed. Everyone who gets close, gets let in, seems to get seriously hurt, or killed. And I don't want that for stiles, I couldn't. And honestly I think that track is slipping for Derek. Isaac did get seriously hurt, and Erica was practically dead when he found her. Boyd- god you have no idea how happy I was when he coughed up red blood and not black. Black meant death, Aiden had black blood. But mom, oh the angel she is, I have no idea how she did it. Mom kept him alive. Arriving seconds from deaths clutches and pulling him back with human hands. I just know that I can't let anything happen to stiles. I won't. It's not going to happen. And Derek screams all of it.

Drifting again. Words. Stiles said slow. It's my turn to describe the break. I get his reasons, but I don't think slow is really the right word. Honestly, boring feels to stupid to say, I mean we've had a witch in our dinning room. Stiles in the hospital, some fucked up bone dream creature. "Mm, eventful." I say almost uncaring. "That's my word. Two days in and we're off the hooks already."

"I'm surprised. It used to be only through school months we had crazy eventful shit." Erica pipes quietly from Derek's -used-to-be- normal seat. The man himself on the opposing couch that always seemed untouched, Allison and stiles both sat on the cushions as well.

"Yeah, the breaks were the normal times." Isaac laughs as he presses a foot to the calf of my outstretched legs. I hum in satisfaction at the touch.

    "Honestly," stiles leans back and flips his legs over Allison's cross legged lap. His back arching over the arm of the couch. "I just want peace and quiet."

    "We live in Beacon Hills stiles, there is no peace. And quite is dangerous." Boyd shifts beneath his girlfriend on the armchair

    "Fair." Stiles mutters in response. Spaghetti dinner, clean-up; which actually ended with Isaac and stiles on dish duty, couch time with a movie. The movie is actually turned down exclusively low for this uninteresting and unneeded conversation. Though after everything going on I suppose a conversation is needed between everyone. I don't know. What I do know Derek is leaning into Allison and pulling Stiles's legs from the crevices between himself and her and laying them along his thigh. What I know is Isaac is slowly falling asleep to The Huntsman and Snow White. What I know is Cora hopping down the stairs and lazily jogging into the living room.

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