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"Talking"  'Thinking...


    "Stiles, are you okay?" Derek asks from his unspoken side of the bed. The man leaned up against his beds head board and night stand light flicked on as he read a book with his cover flipped over the back.

    I stammered for words, looking up to catch sigh of the wolf, he sighed heavily watching me with my presumably large, contemplating eyes and ajar lips. I pinched closed my mouth and shock my head to myself lightly to try and clear it. When I could speak I did. "Uhh, just, Scott and I talked and it was actually a nice talk."

    Derek nodded his head waiting for more. Of course he noticed my distress though, he's a damned werewolf that can smell anything he wanted. Practically a mind reader but with pheromones and shit. Derek's eyes hinted with a small leveling as I got closer for me to go on. And with all honestly, I almost didn't want to.

    "Allison was in the hall, she said she didn't feel well, but something was off. I don't know." I shook my head again, trying to ignore the odd encounter and push it aside as I stripped off my shirt standing next to the hamper.

    "When do you not know something stiles. What felt off?" Derek closed his book, which I could know read the title too, some sort of science fiction book with a bloody cover, devils and something. I sighed.

    "She didn't seem like she was telling the truth, or full truth at least." I answered and made my way to the bed side, kicking up the blanket and crawling on.

    "As if making it up on the spot." Derek suggested as I nodded in agreeance.

    "Mm." I sounded before laying there to think. I stared up at the ceiling and imagined glow stars, and the painted blue-black sky from my child hood. "I don't know you..." I said when I spoke again. Derek know laid down on his side facing me.

    "What?" He spoke, confusion and calmness in his voice. I turned my head to Derek and then copied his position, curling my hands up next to my face, unlike Derek whose arm tucked under his head and hand hung over his hip looking a hell of a lot more sexy than me.

    I let a small moment, a breather, pass between us two before speaking. "I've know you for a little while, but I don't know anything about you. Besides your personality, strict, kind, helping, serious, personal, broken..."

    Derek stared back at me as I spoke, his eyes jumping between my own. Then his lips quirked up into the softest smile ever made and he answered. "Then get to know me." He started. "Ask..." Again, though he whispered this time.

    "Well, what's your favorite color?" I started.

    "That's what you wanna know!" The man grinned back, eyebrows risen up in amusement.

    "Well I don't know Derek, what is your favorite color!" I chimed back with just as much amusement in my voice, leaning up more on my elbow.

    "Green. What's yours?" I nodded at both the answer and question alike.

    "Red." I stated, then grinning and falling back onto my shoulder. "Sounds like 20 questions." 

    Derek half curls the corner of his lips down as he nods to the side once. "Sort of. That mean it's my turn?"

    "No jackass, you asked my favorite color." Derek scoffed at my answer and waved his free hand toward me.

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