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"Talking"  'Thinking...


    Stiles handed out colored rags, red for Derek's group, yellow for Malia's, blue for Scott's group, and finally green for Isaacs group. The human leaned against the top post of the front porch. He crossed his arms with a light sigh as he watched the first two groups start off into the woods; Scott taking west as planed with Malia heading south. Kira smiles up at stiles offering a small unsaid apology he accepted lightly. Although feeling a little unhappy about the way she did it instead of actually apologizing. Afterwards the girl started off with her group, Isaac and Peter.

Finally Derek came out of the house with his group following close behind. The man stopped besides stiles as the other three, Cora, Ethan, and Jackson head to the east woods and wait for their alpha. Derek watched the three in his group mess around on their way into the first layer of trees. The alpha leaned closer to his human nudging the boy with his arm and gaining his eyes.

    "We'll find her." He states calmly crossing his arms from earlier clipping his gloves. Stiles nodded.

    "I know, I just, don't know if we'll find her alive or... not." Stiles shrugged his shoulders in attempt to release some of the growing stress. Derek watched the boy before adjusting to watch the woods and rub Stiles's shoulders lightly, being sure to watch for any pack members. "Ah- that feels nice thanks..."

    Derek nodded knowing the boy couldn't see him. Letting his hands slid down a bit and lay on the humans wide hips, Stiles's arms once hanging at his sides raise and catch Derek's hands in his own. Laying his on top of the older man's hands.

    "Either way. We'll find her. She's part of our pack." Derek whispered lightly leaning his chest to Stiles's back before backing away and trotting down the front steps.

    Stiles ignored the goose bumps that crawled up his neck and arms. Trying to shake them off as he casually waved bye to the alpha jogging into the woods. He questioned when he got so easily personal with Derek. When the skin to skin started feeling normal, or, rather than normal, comfortable, pleasurable even. Stiles bowed his head and rolled his know somewhat loose shoulders before standing up straight and crossing his arms once again. The human spun around and started into the house with a light sigh.

    "Well! Here I was thinking he wouldn't ever leave~" a playfully toned voice spoke in front of stiles. He quickly snapped his head up at a brunette girl wearing some way to familiar black boot heals.

    "Either you and Erica have similar taste or you've stolen her shoes." Stiles chose the snappy approach, glancing around the room for anything he could use as a weapon for protection.

    "Oh that one! She's quite the troublesome. Always fighting and trying to run away. Though ever since I drank from her she's had these shaky fits, made it easier to tame the girl." The brunette laughed and threw her head back as she sat on the stairs end post. 

    "It's epilepsy! She's having seizures! Where is she?!" Stiles started, his heart picking up drastically as he began to fear for his friend, pack mate, and cat woman.

    "Oh don't be so dramatic~" the woman cooed. "I never get you hero's and saying- "WheRe iS ShE~?!" We're not gonna tall you, we've taken them for a reason."

    "Psch- Yeah! And what reason did you take Erica?" Stiles inched his way closer to the wall on his right, hopping maybe a baseball bat could help this time, unlike his prior experience with supernaturals.

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